
African swallows are non-migratry.

Festive? Really?

not unless it’s wartime

Trucks and other vehicles have been consistently designed to ape military vehicles since WWII. After generations of Jeeps and HMMWVs, there should be no surprise people are now driving around ersatz MRAPS.

like the Justice Department, amirite?

already leering”

always innovating, always disrupting - new ways to hemorrhage cash

LOL they were so close to the shining, golden city of La Paz, yet so far. Tune in next week when Trond announces that one of the new species is going to be  named Covid-20.

When you can't move to Mexico, take the next best thing! 

Fake news. I was told repeatedly on the internet that capitalism eliminated poverty and gave everyone iPhones.

You deserve nothing more. But hey, keep ad homming on the comments like you’re 14, Captain Pizza Cutter.

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD Please stop making me see this stupid thing every time I click on gizmodo

Uh, whatever that means.

If it was rhetorical, why are you pulling your peen so furiously  over an answer? Just fuck off and get covid already.

“I feel like I can’t in good conscience bring a child into this world and force them to try and survive what may be apocalyptic conditions,”

This guy is 42% of our country. 

I could spell it out for you and explain that it is a prediction of libel lawsuits for hate speech where “Only if you, specifically, were the target of / suffered harm as a result of the threats.” 

I’ve been hurt by that sound more than a few times in my life.” One para later,It’s something I’ve experienced multiple times throughout my life,”

Hate speech is illegal when it’s libelous.

That movie was one looooooong unwatchable cliche.