
But Schellenberg’s attorney Carol Sobel notes that the pages’ founder has eluded in a post to a “private sub-group” for conversations about posts like one in which she (incorrectly) accused Schellenberg of illegally parking.”

too big/heavy for bridges maybe, or all those friggin tolls on turnpikes

well we’ve seen the problems mixing up metric and imperial measurement can cause

Not a single mention of Scientology, which is based on actual aliens.  Just a bunch of eggheads who think they know eastern “religions”.

Saying balls taste is the same bullshit pseudoscience and sensationalism that makes people think plants feel pain. Everything about life equates at a chemical-reaction level.

this naive child is not helping

Venus would like a word

maybe it was dirty like Europa

in ohio we call them impact decks

yeah still pretty good looking

That’s why we have a maximum age of 15 to be president, right? if adults are so stupid, it’s only because many of them fall all over themselves trying turn pupae who can’t even feed themselves into nobel laureates for throwing tantrums without consequence.

capitalism is shorting planets defined

maybe the fact that it was on a different continent had something to do with it

Ah now we are ripping off Sifl and Olly

Someone explain the capes

*looks sadly at lifetime TomTom

well the 101st Fighting Keyboarders sure got some tinglies in their little peens today

For the love of jeebus, stop using the word “literally” when you are making an outrageous hyperbole.

so you are saying no one would know, then

It took me most of the decade to be conviced radioctive wasn’t a Coldplay song