
but that didn’t stop Karen “20/20 hindsight” Hua from pontifitweeting about it

Never underestimate the power of social media and the kindness of strangers.”

some cops have become experts as presecution

who a few months ago because so frustrated


the old Montreal Expos logo had me thinking it was the Jb Expos for most of my life

everything looks like a dick to some people

This is our future: everything reduced to two cutesy unintelligible syllables.

i am under the impression this comes from spraying animal shit on vegetables for fertilizer. maybe we should stop that.

Latinidad ultimately serves white cis-gendered, straight, wealthy men.

poorly funded

black holes get their own definitions?

that’s no black hole

well they have infinite density, so the rest is an exercise for the reader

Traveling to London from Europe by train, EU passengers spent seconds in a border control touchscreen line due to this technology whereas non-EU bumpkins had the pleasure of lining up to be scowled at (and photographed anyway). I vote yes.


the true gains were the gorilla arms and pathological narcissism

“If anyone’s gonna take advantage of the American companies it’s gonna be us, it’s not gonna be France,”

in the age of turing completeness and russian bots

no one is talking about those