
wheat starch is starch and not gluten

You know things have gone too far, as in America Too Far, when things OBVIOUSLY not made with wheat, like mustard and candy have Gluten Free on them, just like they did with Trans Fats a few years ago.

poor black people get less sympathy and more bullets, so what the f do you want?

*Protesters Not to be Confused with Actual Libertarians

it has been found that bioavailable phosphorus and number of storm events are the key predictors for bloom severity

We here in Toledo say no duh, Sherlock

It should be apparent to everyone who is paying attention now, that in the 21st century, just like the other two, capitalism comes first and democracy comes later.

he had better watch it or he might get elected President

brilliantly white

oh look, they come from the same small market state as the Vikings.

whatever you say buddy


In The Actual Article:

Yes! Not enough attention/blame is given to the Reagan Years as should be, since the excursions to the Far Side via Bush and Trump tend to put a hazy fog on the really nasty shit than went on in the 80's.

I don’t know why anyone listens to a word that a head like that says.

she looked at her notes far too often for this to be more convincing than theatre

you have non-personal heads?

“dilute it in the ocean,”

AIDS denier, Iran-Contra, flag-humper, union-buster, Alexander Haig, the Southern Strategy victorious, smarmy christian posturing, Star-Wars and galactic defense budgets, The War on Drugs, environmental roll-back, 1987 recession, “welfare queen” racism. Global nuclear war was a probability. He was an arrogant prick

you don’t remember Reagan, do you