
Yeah but it you’re poor or get cut off from health insurance, you’ll end up there sooner. And that’s the real injustice.

The bad news is that lots of people will suffer tremendously and perhaps even die needlessly early due to being poor. Knowing we all end up in the dirt isn’t very comforting when you compare what life is like before we get to that point.

LYING ON THE BED WITH SHOES ON?!?! OFF WITH HIS HEAD! (Seriously, that stood out to me. “He was murdering, raping, pillaging, and lying on the bed with shoes on.”)

Thank you for your generosity, but I have a harem of caretakers already lined up.

Your selflessness does not go unnoticed.

Personally, I would worry constantly about the people I hire to take care of said money. Then I would probably have to hire people to watch them, and so on.

It’s a big responsibility to take care of that much money. I will help you.

It’s funny how people project on neutral Jez posts. Sometimes people get all indignant like why are we supposed to be angry about this?! and then there’s comments like this one with the whole so what why are we praising this?! It’s like some readers just can’t handle news for news’ sake. her money okay? If it needs a new home, I can give it a loving home.

who exactly said she should be praised? like, did you even read this or this is simply your knee-jerk reaction to any news about a wealthy individual?

The good news is that you’ll end up in the same place as she did, regardless of how rich (or poor) you become.

A throng of lawyers are currently salivating at the prospect of spending hundreds of billable hours representing those who will inevitably take issue with her will.

How do you fathom having that much money? I get paid this week and practically every dime is already spent on bills, and I still need food. I wish I knew what it was like to not give a piss about money because you have so much of it you could wipe your rich ass with it. Sigh.

RI am a psych nurse, and our unit takes a lot of detox patients as well. I see so many damned patients who are just so sad that they can’t have their kids. While I advocate for them and do my best for my clients, part of me is always thinking “you can barely function in the controlled environment of our unit. Why in

These are not the stories you wanted to tell.

Always worth repeating: “Rape Joke” by Patricia Lockwood

their parents understand that their intent was not to offend

Still doesn’t excuse this “joke.”

The only thing I’m hell bent on is being truthful and opposing damaging ideas to society.

Hitting a child with an object is abuse. Even when your parents do it. That’s why you have to report it, and if you can’t understand that basic fact, you really should not be in the position you are in. You go through the motions

I don’t know how it is in other states, but as a social worker in Austin who works in the child abuse field and works very closely with child protective services kids are very rarely removed from their home without reason. CPS workers can not just take kids from their home, the request has to be granted by a judge and