
Sorry! Just edit my comment to say: “I agree!”

...that’s what I said?

For some reason, a man losing his job because of sexual harrassment is just unthinkable, but a woman losing or being driven away from her job because she experienced harrassment is ok.

Reading this article prompted me to file a formal complaint of sexual harassment in my workplace. I had asked about this during SNS last week, and received some good advice. After reading this article, I started writing my documentation and after I filled one whole page and still had more to write down, I realized

Sadly, you could write this identical story for a few thousand big companies in the US.

A major benefit of the #metoo movement is that it is putting a spotlight on these companies. Now if they ignore sexual harassment in the workplace, they have to deal with the press about it. I agree with the posts below stating that most of these harassers know exactly what they’re doing. Training them more may or

Well certain people would think that was just crazy librul commie talk and indoctrinatin their kids with socialist commie ideas!

Whatever you’re paying Angelica Alzona, it’s not enough. That graphic is bloody brilliant.

I have to go back up and read the story now but I wanted to scroll down and comment on how AMAZING this article’s header image is. Great work by... Angelica Alzona, it says. Keep up the good work, girl!!

I am a man and I’ve seen inappropriate talk and behavior..and I admit it, I’m have been guilty of it as well in the past. And I definitely adjusted my behavior, I can say I’m a better man today.

I’m here to compliment the graphic illustration that accompanies this piece - bravo!

If your company is ignoring your complaints and your are made to feel like shit for being harassed. Then someone grabs your breasts, call the police and get a lawyer. What kind of sick fuck just grabs the breasts of someone?

yeah that’s pretty much every workplace I’ve ever had. When I was fifteen I worked for a family run restaurant in which the owner’s son would line up the waitresses and tell them what he didn’t like about their appearance. This one is ugly. That one has no boobs. This one has thick legs. When I was 17 I worked for a

You know, obviously the main problem here is shitheads behaving like shit, and the enablers that allow shitheads to go unchecked for years. BUT, I think we are doing our workforce a huge disservice by not putting life-skills courses, like workplace law and budget-planning, into high school curricula. Just knowing the

This is such an important story, extremely well and throughly reported but I’d also like to take a moment to appreciate the *spectacular* header artwork by Angelica Alzona. A striking image that relays the impact of the narrative with a simple, clear connection to a brand we all know so well is rare and hard to

Fuck Comcast and it’s sleazeball employees. My heart cries for the victims. May they heal.

And if he DOES do his own laundry, there’s no way he doesn’t still take it over to his mom and dad’s so he can use their washer/dryer.

This guy looks like he spent the previous night awake until 3:00 AM posting on MRA subreddits, while taking occasional breaks to smoke some weed and jerk off to hentai porn, and his lawyer woke him up five minutes before the photo was taken.

So you respond to his homophobic shit by headlining your article with a homophobic, gay baiting slur?

Sex is frivolous until you are in a relationship where it sucks. Then you realize just how important it is.