
Here’s what few people will acknowledge. Apart from his rhetoric and embarrassing missteps, Trump has governed as a doctrinaire establishment Republican in almost every respect. He has stacked his Cabinet with the GOP Old guard, aggressively pursued their tax and deregulatory agenda, and loyally nominated right wing

Yes. They make a weak-sauce condemnation, but then line up to kiss his fat orange ass a few days later. I swear he must have some dirt on these people to have them keep falling in line. Either that or they’re blindly devoted to putting their party before country. It’s really disheartening.

He was called out by numerous politicians, including many Republicans not named Graham or McCain, for his Charlottesville remarks. I think the issue is Republican dissent seems to stop at calling him out . . .

On the list of better leaders than Donny:

not to put too fine a point on it, but when the beauty pageant contestants and the comedians are the ones calling out the racist and inflammatory rhetoric of our president and not, oh I dunno, OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, then there seems to be something deeply amiss with our country

The winner gave a good response too to a question about the Paris Climate Agreement, saying it was wrong for the US to have pulled out given the evidence we have about climate change.

I think that the fact she applied the term “ho” to someone who has never been part of the sex industry means she believes that any woman who poses nude or semi-nude is a prostitute. I don’t think that applying that term even to women who have been part of it but not as prostitutes, like Amber Rose or Blac Chyna, is

I looked at that pic and thought yeah, he’s still hot.

Except she never said that she was doing anything in the name of feminism?

How did you get invited to the White House?

I’m still nursing my disappointment that Amy Adams isn’t playing TH. She’s a hella good actor and dude, google-image the two names and whoa, twinsies:

Calling someone a ho is what makes Osbourne a bad feminist, actually.

I can’t help but wonder if it’s about jealously more than anything else. Because KUWTK took the basic formula that the The Osbournes pioneered (AFAICT), ran with it, and made orders of magnitude more money than they ever did. And there were rumors a couple of years ago that Sharon wanted to try and revive the show.

I think it’s a reaction to the sexual “revolution” imposed by leftist men on women. The mass sexual exploitation and objectification of women that followed basically pushed some into the “stop being naked” camp and others into the “everything about sex is always right and good” camp. Different defense mechanisms and

It’s not as if Osbourne has ever been an outspoken feminist herself, so WTF. If she just wanted to slag off the Kardashians, why bother? They thrive on the attention.

Which, ironically is more feminist than calling someone a ho. I’d never call someone a ho and love when women unapologetically post pics cuz they like the way they look. So yea

also,I’m not sure what’s so feminist about dragging Christina Aguila every chance you can because your grown ass daughter had beef with her in 2003.

I don’t understand why the sex/body positive discussion is so polarizing. Most of the discussion is either “stop being a naked whore, you naked whore” or “how dare you criticize the sex industry because all the women want to be there.” I just find it baffling that there is no nuance in this discussions.

I’m on Team KKW on this one. She is all about herself and her looks and clothes and publicity and money, and always has been. She doesn’t have any agenda beyond staying rich and famous and attractive.