
who cares what he wants? he made his feelings about the situation irrelevant when you stepped out while his wife was pregnant. she needs to do what is best for herself and her child and get the fuck out now.

Source: Me. My son was less than 2 months old when I left my ex-husband. I was about 7 months pregnant when I found out he was having an emotional affair with a coworker of ours. I moved in with my in-laws, who knew the reasons behind our split.

Are we certain of that? She told him he couldn’t ever talk to someone again, that’s no way to go into a relationship.

Erm, why are we assuming that LW1's cheating husband will be any help with the baby just because they will still be married and living together? I have seen non-cheaters totally ignore all parental responsibility while sleeping in the same bed as their strung out wife. Get a lawyer and get out fast! Dude might move

If he’s such a weak spineless childish piece of shit that he agreed in the first place and then lashes out by having a 5 year affair with the woman, he should have never gotten married IN THE FIRST PLACE.



He’s been doing this for half a decade. And mind you, this was before they got engaged, during their engagement, during the honeymoon phase, and everything after. Their relationship has been a lie for the most part and nothing can salvage it. Nothing.

LW No. 1 - The advice Jane gave is good. When you talk to people they want to give you all their opinions about how their separation went. They want to salt and burn bc they have been burnt before. But, when you listen to these people with a grain of salt bc god bless they don’t know shit.

Sacrificing a chicken would have accomplished the same goal while simultaneously granting you the ability to write worth a fuck. I’m afraid your Dr. James failed you on the latter.

This is exactly what happened to my sister (well almost). Ex ran off with the neighbor when my sister was 7 months pregnant. It won’t get better. Leave him.

Nah. She knows he has a pregnant wife. And she chose to keep carrying on with him. Anything LW sends to her isn’t going to be received by an empathetic and kind person, mark it.

You deceive me for five years, your wants no longer matter.

As an old who has seen most of her friends divorce, I agree 100%. The most important thing is ensuring security for your kiddo, everything else can be worked out after.

Yup. She has an obligation to turn the baby into an adult. The husband, not so much!

See, this is what we call “actionable advice”. She’s looking for specific things she can DO, and if she’s resigned herself to the fact that they’re going coparent, she should get her financial and custodial houses in order BEFORE she’s stuck with a newborn that there’s no guarantee he’ll help with.

LW 1: GET OUT. Do not listen to this advice here and get out now. It’s not going to get better.

This advice is so good that I’m thinking about taking it even though I’m happily married with no children.

I get the feeling that this is just her playacting “dark” and “dangerous” Taylor. It’s concocted to offset pink princess Taylor. I don’t believe the evolution is natural and more a beta testing gimmick.