
There have been grays commenting on the various GM hurricane posts insisting the media is blowing this out of proportion for ratings. 

Specifically, no, but conservative culture for the last couple decades has coddled people who want to summarily reject any data that disputed their world views - not analyze it or dispute methodology or offer other data, but simply reject things as lies of the mainstream. I don’t think it’s surprising that people hold

But telling them it’s all fake news diminishes other news sources. They aren’t getting vital information if they’re watching hannity scream about fake news for an hour.

I really wish you would point out how much danger it’s put their audience in to teach them the news lies. How many didn’t evacuate or prepare a adequately because “Trump says it’s fake news so what else are they lying about?! They’re blowing this up to sell stuff and make money!”

When you start dismantling the EPA and back out of the Paris Agreement, Mother Nature is going to show her displeasure.

Uh oh, the meddling Federal government is about to invade! Quick, Texas! Secede!

Legit. I used to really like him but if he runs for president I will be done with him. Dude, just because you’d be an improvement over the last guy (who is about the worst person for the job except for maybe David Duke) doesn’t mean you should give it a shot. We need to get back to people with fucking policy

OMG the poop-bag raincoat wins the award this week for “best antidote for depressing trump news.”

This is Orpheus, who doesn’t know how beds work.

I know some people who plan to do at least one leg. I don’t know how they’re gonna do the distance though — I marched and chased nazis in San Francisco today and did about 5 miles on foot and my feet hurt :(

People absolutely can protest on the street in front of the WH. I’m down there twice a week for work and there’s tons going on. They can use Lafayette Squareif needed but Pennsylvania Ave is most definitely open.

Haven’t you heard? It doesn’t really matter if the marchers miss work because George Soros will be paying them to protest. Just find the closest dumbass right-winger and they’ll tell you all about it.

Oh, they’ll probably be greeted with open “arms.”

According to Breitbart, none of them have jobs and are all being paid by Soros.

How much you willing to bet that members of ADAPT will get involved. I expect they’re still pissed off about Trumpcare, and the idea of a potential shutdown probably doesn’t amuse them either.

Ever wonder where handicap access public transit started? Then eventually the ADA? Badasses like these:

I’m excited to get off my ass and bitch in the streets instead of in front of a flat screen. I’m so happy I think I will do lunges the whole way.

Ok but do they have a permit? Everyone knows true americans get permits.

If this wasn’t during fall semester, I would take part in this. I went to UVa, and I have relatives in Manassas right on the march route.

I live and teach right in Fairfax, between city of Fairfax and Falls Church! Oh this will be exciting to talk to the kids about!