
I just had a mental image of you leaning far back over the four corners sing-songing “I’m not leaving the stay-ate.”

That’s just a TV thing. The police have no power to stop you from leaving the state; they can suggest that it would be a bad idea, and imply that it might make them suspect you more, but you can go anywhere you want unless some kind of judicial process takes place (e.g. you’re arrested and a judge sets bail, or a

CHOP THEIR HEAD AND LIMBS OFF and THEN toss them in a sub and sink it to the bottom of the nearest body of water

If I recall correctly from a Cruise Critic thread that involved reports from other cruisers in nearby staterooms, the witness was the victim’s brother. The kids (or at least one of them) were in the room and fled to get help from other family members traveling with them, and ended up getting locked out of the

I know whenever I see someone die in a accident my first instinct is to toss them in a sub & sink it to the bottom of the nearest body of water.

i’m just really tickled that he tweeted about reading his own statements.

Preach! I am so sick of 45 saying something on video, and then trying to tell us all it was reported wrong by the news. We saw you, and heard you. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it fake. I don’t like spiders, but no matter how many times I say fake spiders, they are still here.

I get that summer is rerun season, but this shit is old, boring and repetitive. I’ll pay attention if anything changes.

Not only does Trump have extremely well-armed supporters but he has a fucking propaganda arm—-Fox News is legitimizing his victimization narrative. Add Breitbart, a couple of million Russian trolls and bots and we’re in Timothy McVeigh territory.

Report on Reno from friends that were there 100 pro Trump vs over 1k protestors. On a 10:30 am in an area where there is very little parking.

those rallies have nothing to do with the rest of the country, they are to strengthen his base. Yes he has an approval rating of 36% in some places, but if you go to a rally and see thousands, i can only imagine how comforting it is for them and him. They see what we see and get nagging doubts, but when they get

Watching a Trump rally is the equivalent watching him masturbate. If that turns you on, great. But I don’t think everyone necessarily will want to tune in for a live performance, so to speak.

But did you hear everything that this snake oil does? I’d be a fool not to buy in!

And not one mention of the navy members who just died. He’s despicable.

I mean, this is something new. A person died, and not only is the president declining to call out the white supremacist perpetrators, he’s bitching about confederate statues being taken down and how ANTIFA, literally an anti-fascist organization, is the real evil — more than a dog-whistle for white supremacists.

“Your mother, Trebek.”

In the mean time, everyone in Rust Belt who sold out on their values and voted for Trump are waiting for their jobs to come back like he promised.