
Because women are always told to put up AND shut up.

Excuse me? What exact makes Cole a “bad guy”? Because she was honest and called out a complete and utter hypocrisy? Because she’s right that her ex is a diuche who blamed women for his indfidelities?

Even Mother Teresa is a controversial figure. She likely thought what she was doing was right, but look into what she was doing and more importantly, not doing with all the billions donated to her organization.

Arguably, he put them there by being a cheating, gaslighting, reputation-shellacking douchebag. She just refused to keep covering for him.

Agreed. Also, I feel like people need to actually read the letter. This isn’t really just cheating that she’s describing. People cheat. Men cheat. It doesn’t make them villainous or abusive. But Cole is saying that her husband is a womanizer who gaslighted her for 20 years and made her complicit in his seductions by

Did you actually read her letter? She’s not saying her husband cheated. She’s saying that he gaslighted her for 20 years while he was a womanizer. There’s a big difference between committing infidelity and doing that. She says that she’s been diagnosed with complex PTSD since piecing together the truth.

You really think she wouldn’t have gotten as much snark for speaking about the infidelity DURING the divorce? C’mon. It would have been a cavalcade of “Bitter ex just saying things bc she’s mad! Bad on many sides!”

What I get from her is, “If I’d only known, if I’d known the truth, I could have ended this 15 years ago. I could have made choices for myself.” Which is such a valid thing to say/feel. I used to tell FWB, “Just tell me when you’re seeing someone else.” Because I wanted it to be MY CHOICE if I exposed myself to STIs.

Applogies - I’m honestly not attacking, your post just provided a convenient place to vent about an issue that had been bugging me since the Sprouse cheating post. It just seems like snark at the cheated-on for speaking up is weirdly common, and criticism of cheaters often an afterthought at best.

I dunno what circles you’ve been hanging out in, but Joss Whedon was never “lauded as a feminist god friend and champion paragon on virtue” in mine. Buffy was a fun show. He was never a thought leader. I’ve spent years in a relationship with a highly manipulative man, so I understand and respect her desire to reclaim

Eh, do you really think she should just slink off into the night?

Definitely. I think the sign that resonated most was “Flint needs clean water.” That person was saying it’s more important to look at the bigger picture of inequality than trying to prove a who’s-less-racist point

I truly don’t understand that connection. As someone who comes from the most populated country in the entire world, which borders the second most populated country in the entire world, neither of which have a Jewish population large enough to even be counted in their census, I’m confused. Because the word ‘globalist’

No. It means “Jew.” It always has. The deep suspicion of Jews as being disloyal to the countries where they live, having no deeply-rooted ties to the “homeland” no matter how long they’ve lived there, and being more loyal to their co-religionists in other countries, has been around for centuries. (As a rootless

I usually read it as Jew or Jew-lover. People who use that word as an insult also think Jews are running the world.

I think it’s supposed to describe leftist hippies who don’t believe in borders and do believe the world is a global village, so they put the rest of the world before their own country, to the detriment of their own country.

Uhh.. Globalist means Jew. or ((((Jew))).

That’s why New York’s elite have always mocked Trump. He’s the hillbilly’s idea of a rich man. Old money New Yorkers not only don’t have gold plated penthouses, they wouldn’t step foot in one.

Remarkably, yesterday was the Mooch’s official start date. Also, even more remarkably, he was fired barely 2 weeks ago, but, in Trump-adjusted terms, it was like 6 years, one nuclear threat, one Venezuelan-war threat and one KKK/Nazi-promotion ago.