
That is fantastic! Keep giving them money - any place that promotes equality and respect for all is okay by me, even if they are competition. :)

You are a fucking inspiration, and I adore this post. You are strong, and beautiful, and lovely. Your scar is not from weakness, it’s from a fucking battle with a clearly shitty person who you’ve conquered with your survival. And you’ve helped more women than you know with your story. <3

I don’t know if I worked at the same cosmetics shop with a black and white theme, but when I did at mine, often there were older heavier clients who felt like they ‘didn’t deserve’ to feel good in their skin, because fat. I too liked to show them that they *did* deserve to feel good in their skin, their hair, and have

If my teen depression had looked like this, my mother would have absolutely just screamed at me to sort my hair out, in addition to telling me to “get over it.” If she didn’t shave my head for me, with or without my consent. In reality, I pulled my hair out, and had a bald patch going at any given time, and instead of

At the same time, if getting her to eat or change her clothes is a struggle that takes priority over the hair. This is her most visible symptom, but maybe not her worst problem. Her parents may really be trying.

You are lovely and wonderful, and made a difference in peoples lives.

Boy, I thought I was a cynical bastard.

Yeah, with the “only getting up to use the restroom” described she should have had a battery of tests at a pediatricians. She might have something as easily treated as a thyroid issue or a dangerous as a sudden stop of powerful medication.

I’ve lived with pretty severe bipolar disorder I since I was 14 (diagnosed only at age 28, but the symptoms set in far, far earlier than that). I know the pain of being so depressed you can’t get out of bed for days at a time, so much that even the thought of showering is too exhausting to accomplish. I know how it

I’d also think - after the hair has become matted - it becomes one of the factors that can fuel and help maintain the depression.

I’ve heard about that training (probably here on Jez, actually). That’s wonderful.

I spent my internship at a DV agency and we always had specialized trainings for cosmetologists. Oftentimes, abuse victims and people with severe depression will not only open up to their stylists, but the stylists will often see bruises and cuts from abuse and self harm that may be hidden by hair. We always gave them

We need more of this in the world! Compassion and empathy for people who are dealing with mental health issues. So many people are quick to shame, quick to dismiss, spout off the quote of a stupid Pinterest meme about having a happy mindset like it’s common sense and people who have mental are too stupid to realize

At what point is this parental neglect? There’s a line between letting them be them and another between full on closing the door to the problem.

I must’ve missed the “She got what was coming to her” article on the Root. Why don’t you link to that?

Yea, I want to see the receipts on where The Root said that Australian lady “got what was coming for her.” I’ll wait.

CLASSIC passive aggressive bullshit! Don’t let him get away with that. Look him right in the eye and say “You know none of that’s true. I know this is embarrassing but I am your wife, I love you and am bringing this up because it’s a problem, and it may be a symptom of something serious. If you’re worried or scared we

To be frank, I find that manipulative. You are being straight-forward and not unkind in telling him a thing he should know and he is being petulant and unkind. You are not the asshole here, he is.

I would also gently say that it is hurting your relationship. Differe Things bother different people to different degrees. Just because he feels he would react a certain way doesn’t mean it’s reasonable for him to expect the same from you.

I’ve been married 23 years and my husband and I tell each other when various parts smell gross. It’s not personal, it usually because we want to be physically close and we don’t want the other person repelled. It’s like telling a friend they have food in their teeth or an unzipped’s a common courtesy, NOT a