
We are teachers, we had a week off. The coffee shop is pretty hip. It serves beer, which we didn’t order. It makes sense to go there at night. And our city isn’t exactly very exciting.

Rules for successful online dating:

So that’s her setting up boundaries, but that very well could’ve been a date had she been more receptive. Basically, as long as both people agree that something is a date, it’s a date. It can be going to a museum, getting coffee, going over to one your places and fucking till you both pass out, laser tag, the actual

you should see a therapist about your self-loathing, it sounds like it’s probably seriously negatively impacting your life.

i think the best part was when i think #5 or 6 came with her mom and grandma, and mom and grandma ended up being part of the gang too

He may be mediocre. But you know what, he’s a generally good looking white guy, which means he’s popular on dating apps regardless of his personality or who he is as a person.

Competitive Negging! Mirror shopping! A visit to the nearest Hooters to scope out the competition! You know, date stuff.

Ooh, ooh, I hope he is an aspiring DJ.

........umm, I WOULD like to see his boner, and would def do!

He’s also a magician!

Wish I had the confidence of a mediocre white man

Mueller is suing Taylor, Taylor’s mom Andrea Swift (who is also Taylor’s manager), and their radio manager Frank Bell. Her mom and Bell testified yesterday.

I agree. That said, I also wouldn’t pity the guy in the slightest if she rained all hell down on him and took everything. He’d 100% deserve it.

I’m uncomfortable that people are acting like it’s right that this lawsuit is even happening. It’s an obvious cash grab and the fact that she’s being dragged to court over what happened between him and his employer is not raising eyebrows at all.

Um, that doesn’t mean people think she should have been sexually assaulted. I dislike TS, but I would never wish assault on ANYONE.

This is a frivolous lawsuits if ever there was one. Only a man wouldn’t get laughed out of court for trying to pull this.

Ma Swift is testifying because she’s one of the people that Mueller is suing.

Pretty sure I can despise someone’s music and the shitty PR stunts designed to make other artists look like assholes while also feeling awful that a woman was assaulted. Or do I suddenly have to think Gretchen Carlson is an awesome human being now?

He is seeking at least $3 million.