

The same ole racism, now delivered in a pretty package, is nothing more than hatred with its hair combed.

I felt the same way, yesterday, reading a story from the VOWS section of the NYT. The headline was something like: Twenty year Age Gap Doesn’t Matter. And I instantly knew that the woman was older since no one would have bothered to notice (much less note) a 20-year age gap were the genders reversed.

Also, this.

I love you anyway.

👍🏻 👍🏻 His post feels like it’s entering fetish territory to me. :/

I feel like his well meaning tone is the equivalent of a women’s magazine calling a woman who doesn’t fit model standards “brave” for showing or “flaunting her body in a bikini. But, anytime we get to see more acceptance of what most women’s bodies look like I’m totally here for that. He is right-on about both women

As a “curvy” chick (honestly, I like to just call myself a fat girl but people take such issue with that) I’m honestly turned off when a guy makes a big deal about being into curvy girls. I like all types of body types on a dude and I’m not making a point to fucking shout it from the rooftops.

That Christopher Meloni one has me howling. WTF are you doing Elliot?!

It’s actually funny, cause a century ago, women consistently scored lower on IQ tests than men. Then we started formally educating women and they entered the paid workforce, and their IQs shot up. They are now consistently a touch higher than mens’ IQ scores.

I would generally say that any person who brings up IQ “differences between people” is trying to justify their racism with a misunderstanding of social science.

White women who voted liberal are not complicit.

It just feels like burning bridges instead of building them.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it on perpetuity to people like Tomi: You are not special.

As a white female voter who voted for Clinton...

I’m beyond schadenfreude with this girl. Let’s be reminded of this exchange with Noah Trevor from her Daily Show interview. If you go back to the video, this exchange starts around the 15:40 mark. (Emphasis below is mine.) Anyone who says something like this deserves all the backlash and then some more.

They’ve taken out the pitchforks and are mob attacking her on social media. The rightwingers expect her to tow the line, and how dare she not scream about the baby killers like she screams about all the other libtard snowflakes. Those people have no loyalty or shame.

You simply cannot be a Conservative and be pro-choice. She cracked. I doubt there are other Conservative pro-choicers. She’s more liberal than she wants us to believe. She thought it was safe and edgy to take ANY liberal position for once, and still be respected by Conservatives. “Ooh Tomi is a modern Conservative. So

No, they didn’t ignore her - that would be “I don’t know her.” This was them getting together and saying: “Lets put her in her place.” They got all their bronies together and started electronically body-slamming her, virtually pummeling her for daring to step an iota out of line, like good misogynists do, like 45