
Yeah, well. I know a guy who thinks we need to spend less time focusing on Russia and more time on chocolate cake, giraffes, and garbage trucks.

And yet, imagine the reaction if woman on Fox were to say ‘As a mother I’m concerned about the lack of healthcare me and my child might get under Trumpcare...’?

Is it just me, or is relegating women to the supporting role of “families” insulting? It’s like we’re not fully people, we are simply men’s families.

I think you could probably just narrow it down to Racism and call it a day. Grits and gravy on the side.

Keep working with your hamsters and eventually they can be an example for the rest of us.

“Look ladies - supporting Trump is what we DO in our community. Along with skinny lattes, spray tans, lash extensions, Botox, spinning class, Jesus and #soblessed posts on Facebook.”

Oh come on! What about the grits and gravy? Looking at that lump Huckabee, you know he’d be very disappointed if you left out the grits and gravy. It’s the literal brick and mortar of their hate foundation, if you will.

Nah, from TJ Maxx. They’re all there for like $5 now.

No no no no! Saying “as a mother...” before a statement means you are the ultimate authority on every topic!

I have a Syrian hamster and a Russian hamster. (Seriously, that where they each originated from.) OMG you would not believe how tense it has been in my home.

Awww.... They still think the Republicans weren’t hacked! No, Russia got so much dirt on the Republicans, they kept it for themselves to blackmail them.

There is no there there. It’s very simply God, Gays, Guns and Racism. That’s it.

I have a cat who looks like a Russian Blue but is actually a gray tabby. He is concerned that he will be stereotyped for his appearance.

My cat is a Russian Blue and cares about the Russia issue because I think that he might be a Russian spy.

Obviously with an uninformed opinion like that you must not be a mother. ;p

This is going to be a scorching hot take, but merely bearing and raising a child does not in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM make you qualified to talk about the Trump/Russia allegations and wider societal implications on (what could be generously described as) a news program.

My family consisting of me, my partner, and our four cats, cares DEEPLY about the Russia issue.

They’ll care when shit really hits the fan and we end up in some stupid unwinable war. But I guess that will DEFINITELY be Obamas fault somehow.

Is the inclusion of two brunette women as part of the “Security Moms” panel Fox’s attempt at diversity?

So Trump just issued massive cuts to the coast guard and various anti-terrorist organizations around the US to help pay for the wall.