
I feel like she’s the new Lena Dunham for the way she triggers these guys for being a woman who openly enjoys sex without being a six zero.

Poor triggered right wing snowflakes.

Seriously. I didn’t like it. Still gonna go 5 star it now.

We just did the same thing with Jim Gaffigan. 10 minutes in, no laughs, switched over to old Key and Peele. Gaffigan is obv dorky white guy funny at best but this was stiff even by his standards

Wonder how much funnier they would think she is if they never saw what she looked like. Maybe we should do comedy like we do Orchestra blind auditions.

I saw this coming.

I think a lot of them are pretty young, too, and that’s scary as well.

yeah they do it to support the precious “ethics in game journalism”

My husband watched the whole thing, but I wasn’t feeling it. She’s done some great work, but this wasn’t it for me. These trolls would have 1-starred literally anything she did, though.

I haven’t seen the special yet but I will say this: lots of dudes HATE Amy. I recently asked one why he didn’t like her and he goes “because she looks like Miss Piggy and she’s ugly.” Super fresh take, huh? But I’m SURE he would judge a male comedian by the same standards since sexism isn’t a thing.

Seriously though. The huge amount of time and effort they put into trolling is pathetic because its an actual lifestyle for them. It makes me shudder to think about spending that much time on the internet being negative. It probably becomes an addiction for them.

They are the most delicate little pussies in the entire world.

Poor triggered right wing snowflakes. They need a safe space from comedy because it makes them sad face.

Oh yes! Have to say that David was a definitely a celebrity crush. In that picture, they are so young looking. Confession: I love that on DirecTV, the picture for the Xfiles reboot is an OG picture from the original.

The train of thought regarding Jones started last year with the revival and Chris Carter saying how he looked towards Jones for the contemporary conspiracy theories.

No, the whole point of the X-Files is that they were running with stuff that had already been out there for a decade or more. Read the Illuminatus! Trilogy sometime if you want full grounding in all the crazy of the time.

Nah, I don’t the Alex Jones/X-files can be correlated like that. Mostly because the Alex Jones likes that come across my social media feeds are from Fox News loving Trumpsters not from nerds.

I don’t think they’re connected in the slightest. Shows like Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, Rush Limbaugh, and the entire realm of conspiracy or political talk radio, have examples going back to the 70s. Shows like that and the X-Files exist because of a desire in a certain segment of the population to mythologize

While this is funny, does anyone else look back to The X-Files and worry that it influenced our times too much? Like it might not have given us Agent Orange, but if it didn’t exist would he listen to InfoWars and Alex Jones?