
Looking forward to verify necessary panel: “Steve King vs. Stephen King: Which one is scarier?”

They don’t get their name from Benedict Arnold, but it is indeed a tasty breakfast. :)

“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

Big kudos of gratitude for donating to Jon Ossoff. I live about a mile from his district boundaries so I can’t vote, but I’ve already donated money and am planning to donate time to his campaign. He’s a viable Democratic candidate in a district that is (slowly) trending blue, and he’s just a great guy, period.

This is your daily reminder that “White Genocide” is code for “white women being allowed to have sex with whoever they want, even if that person has a different skin color”. Thank you so fucking much, Steve King, for making it relevant again.

99.999999% of Iowans do *not* want them - or King - in the state.

I mean. It pretty much needs to be a white dude. A Christian*, not too young and not someone who sounds real educated. They need to talk like a farmer, about farming, and they have to be Republican.

Keep fighting.

This is accurate. White superiority was a concept designed by wealthy slaveowners to keep poor whites happy with their current economic situation. They may have been dirt poor, but they weren’t black, so win. Still works today.

They need something to make them feel superior. They can’t find it in the mirrors, the churches, the schools or their jobs.

It’s seriously all they have. “Well at least we aren’t BLACK!”

Yes, it sounds like his ideal would be to stop all immigration in all countries, and everyone who’s already there should just procreate until they’re all the same shade, and then everyone in each country will be homogenous and that’s the way it will stay forever and ever, the end.

That’s how I read it, too. That may not quite be what he meant but that’s what I’m taking away from it.

This was my first thought, too. All he has to do is look forward a few generations and we’ll all be a nice, homogenized light brown. Wish I could be there to see it.

The face of Supremacy is this dipshit, David Duke, Gohmert and Bannon?

“If you go down the road a few generations or maybe centuries with the intermarriage, I’d like to see an America that’s just so homogenous that we look a lot the same, from that perspective,”

Guh. People.

(scroll down)

-genous That We Look a Lot the Same.’

yeah it looks like someone pissed in his gene pool.

...So Steve King’s vision of America is one where we all look like Steve King? Hard pass.