
That was plank one in his campaign platform! He was openly bragging that Faux News and “the shows” where how he got all his information and his sac of spider eggs followers just ate it up.

Graham is the kind of canny old self-saver who’s always memorizing the anthem of the approaching army.

Exactly. We don’t have a tv and are continually befuddled by the waves of misinformation that appear to sweep around social media following what must be the latest “scoop”.

I’ll be honest, I thought the only reason the Internet existed was for porn.

Yeah, the irony is that Trump, a guy who claims to know all sorts of things “better” than anyone else in government, not only is a lot less knowledgeable than anyone with access to the kind of information he has, he knows a lot less than any random citizen who simply reads a couple decent newspapers. It’s really

From actor Don Cheadle talking about Trumpheimer:

Our racist uncle who posts conspiracy theories to Facebook is our president.

Hey here’s a fun thing; consider what kind of world we’d be living in if 2009 had opened with the following headlines.

I imagine President Obama’s response was something like “Michelle, that asshole’s on the Twitter again. It’s my turn.”

I honestly don’t know what to do with the knowledge that the POTUS, despite having access to MUCH better sources of information than a private citizen, essentially gets his news the same way, and from the same sources, as kooky friends, family and acquaintances we all have on our facebook feeds.

“He said what?!..........oh for the love of....alright, call Kevin and have him release a statement please.” *big sigh* “I can’t with this guy.”

Senator Blanche Devereaux

The Mirror reported that, though the clean-up team took precautions to keep the death under raps

Senator Blanche Devereaux 😂😂😂

I read Graham’s statements more as an indictment of Trump’s corruption, as in “if the evidence was so blatant that a judge was willing to grant them a warrant, this guy must be doing some pretty shady shit.”

So in his frenzy to misdirect away from all of the garbage we already know he has done, he has accidentally pointed us towards something even worse that he has done.

How deep is the shit FBI Director Comey in, if he knew Trump was committing treason & helped throw the election for him?

Tragedies like this are exactly why we need to increase access to internet porn.