
I don’t understand the motivation here at all. The only benefit I can see to anyone would be to the private prison industry.
Separating those kids would cause mayhem and extreme distress while removing any caretaker that could potentially calm situations. Kids would be guaranteed to freak out, thereby giving the state

ICE employees sound pretty reactionary and racist in general - there was big support for Trump in their ranks. I think ICE (and CBP) see themselves as off the leash, thanks to Trump. They’re just doing - and saying - what they want because they figure they can get away with it now.

Oooooh, carpetbaggers. Sick historical Tump burn!

Yeah I immediately thought that if you take the children away from their mother, who is generally going to be their fiercest defender and protector, and put them in charge of other adults who are going to have a racist and xenophobic bias towards them, you are setting them up for even more horrific abuse.

I really, really despise her as well— more than I despise her Dad even, because I think she is much more lucid.

This is great info, thanks Noble!

These are icky BROWN children who have actually been born. Pro-lifers don’t care about them.

Agreed. Anybody with a passing knowledge of DHHS knows that they cannot take on any more than they already have. In fact, they need a LOT more help taking on their current caseload.

Actually, my first thought was that forced-birthers will LOVE this, because it gets back to one of their favorite hobbies - stealing children from underprivileged women and handing them to good white Christian families (for a hefty adoption fee, of course!) to raise. Pre-Roe, it was much easier to pressure terrified

Your must be this Aryan to ride.

No see...these children are already born so...they have to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Where are the pro-lifers who supposedly care about children? Where is their outrage? Where is their march in Washington with Pence about this? Someone? Anyone?

You know what’s insane?

Tell us again how daddy is so compassionate again? I hate her with the fire of a thousand suns. I hope her and her entire carpet bagger family end up in orange jumpsuits.

Are these children going to be in protective custody organized through state CPS systems? If so, the Texas state system, which I imagine would be a major provider, is in shambles, with over 100 children dying in protective care last year. This is cruelty and incompetence at its lowest level, and is creating a very

I’m a sucker for a good baritone sax riff, so I enjoyed that little bit, and tried to tune out the actual lyrics.

My dad too. He’s a total Belichick/Brady truther, which is mostly just him yelling “well how do you KNOW they really voted for Trump?! WERE YOU THERE??” He will do any mental gymnastics necessary to keep loving those guys.

get outta here

Not long enough and hard in all the wrong places. Sounds like the reviews I get in bed.