
How the hell did that happen? Did Nigel Farage get his own talking head show?

Oh NOW they realize he’s evil. Not the Leslie Jones harassment or other blantant racism.

People gave him lots of shit well before he actually got on the show. And he actually agreed with Milo on lots of things, far from being taken aback by stuff he had no clue about.

CPAC: Cuck Pedos Aren’t Cool.....

The C in CPAC stands for cuck, obviously.

Aww, don’t waste perfectly good over the counter meds.

That’s what makes the invite and interview so shitty. Maher KNOWS Milo, knows all about what a piece of shit he is. It’s not like Maher never ranted about Milo in the past...

Maher doesn’t give a shit about people not named Maher. Let’s be glad he’s a Democrat, if he were a Republican, he’d probably be President by now.

Yep, Maher would have him back on. Maher doesn’t give a shit about children.

First one, then the other.

Nah, they have one for all their bullschlapp spewing speakers. I’m sure they overpaid some kid to do it.

I wonder if they’ll use them as happy tissues, or sad tissues

Came here for this. Was not disappoint.

It shouldn’t be too hard to figure out, how many of the board members would use the term “hissy fit” to describe their own anger?

CPAC...what a bunch of special snowflakes. Lets see if we can get them some therapy dogs and bunny gifs bc Milo triggered them so badly.

LOL, “important perspective”... oops.

Oh, look, the conservative right is violating the First Ammendment rights of Free Speech hero and champion Milo! The horror! Where will this PC/SJW/Liberal Bleeding Heart bullshit stop???

That’s what you get for having a professional troll as one of the faces of your movement.

Instead of postcards, I’m going to start mailing paper snowflakes to Republican members of congress. Write a letter on regular paper, then enclose a hand made paper snowflake.