
Well, it’s not something lightweight, like he raped someone, or anything...this is serious...

Yeah, I would. Kids throw shit at my building all the time. Pebbles and trash. They’re children, children are mischief makers.

What really sucks is that Florida is one of the states where committing a felony will get you permanently barred from voting. Logic would dictate that this wouldn’t qualify, but then again FLORIDA.

they are building Trump a new car with missiles, sounds something what Dr Evil will have.

I’ve been blinking like fuck at Maher for years. He’s a lady-hater and an Islamophobe and an embarrassment to the left he claims to be a part of.

Oh my God, this is gold. If I had the money, I would take out an ad in the Times and run it with this quote. Damn!

Fuck tolerance. Tolerance was never my watchword. The right-wing put that label on my beliefs. I never “tolerated” people of different sexualities or gender identities or heritages or religious stances than mine. To tolerate something is to endure something that is objectionable. Maybe a conservative tolerates those

Maher sometimes hits the nail on the head with his comments, but he’s still an asshole who is way too full of himself. He also tries to pass himself off as a champion of liberal causes, but after watching enough of his show, I’ve realized that he only does it for ratings.

Not only has Maher not been immune to criticism but he actually had a show canceled because of something he said.

In what universe does Maher not get called out? Yes, there are people willing to over look his more abhorrent views because they like his views on other topics, but Maher has not been immune to criticism. Which the reason why he’s always bitching about “free speech” and PC culture. People who are never the target of

I am much the same. He strikes me as the kind of atheist who left religion because of personal grievances with authority rather than an actual shifting of belief/worldview. I have seen him champion some serious anti-science views on his show, while humoring scientist guests on other nights. Sometimes it doesn’t seem

I totally agree. He’s going to blame progressives for not having a sense of humor when they stop appearing on his show or watching.

I’m a white liberal and I LOATHE Bill Maher. You cannot advocate for tolerance while bashing marginalized groups. He and Michael Moore both kept me from identifying as liberal for a long time. But Michael Moore has matured and grown, and generally is consistent in putting action behind his ideas and words. Bill Maher

I’ll call him out. He sucks. I didn’t think it was possible for me to lose respect for him after finding out he was an anti vaxxer, but last nights spectacle did the trick.

I couldn’t believe how much Maher was kissing Milo’s ass. Cements the idea i’ve always had that Maher is a star-fucker and that over rides his morals. He doesn’t mind that right wingers have power, and their horrible ideas are/will hurt people. As long as they’ll come on his show and the money keeps coming in.

In my view, Mather isn’t a liberal, though I did see that you used quotations. To me, he’s the rich white guy, or even upper middle class guy, who ultimately elected Trump (even if Mather in particular didn’t), he’s of that philosophy and absolutely LOVES being there. I wish I could locate a clip, but the latest

As a liberal and an atheist, I have hated him for as long as I’ve known of him. I would watch his show with my boyfriend’s family and seethe at the sexist bullshit. As a survivor of domestic violence, anyone who belittles and dismisses whole segments of the population like that might as well have been in league with

Not sure where you hang out, but I’ve seen Bill Maher called out a ton for his Islamophobia.

I really wish people would stop giving this little whassisname a platform and the validation and attention he so desperately craves. He’s the worst kind of attention whore and the only cure for it is to ignore them completely.