
Does Kid Rock even know what the Senate does? Seriously, does he?

Kid Rock: Still more qualified than Betsy DeVos.

He’s a common man! Quick, let’s build him a pedastal!

What in the actual fuck? Kid Rock for Senate? Michigan needs a to shut down and do a hard reboot.

Someone on twitter suggested that, perhaps, Kid Rock might not be the best choice as a Senator seeing as how he dropped out of school at 14 and does not appear to have ever gotten any education beyond 8th grade, and therefore may be less than conversant in the actual setup and workings of our government since, you

I guess in the age of Cheeto where Polanski, the child rapist and sodomizer, is now trying to get back on U.S. soil, Nugento* would no longer have to worry about explaining that 15 year old he was living and touring with a few decades ago. I think he even got himself declared her legal guardian so he wouldn’t be

If it’s Petreaus, he’ll have to notify his probation officer because he’s still on probation.

He’s a former Navy SEAL. He knows a sinking ship when he sees one.

Re Navarro, I think he & his cronies are now about to target the #NeverTrump Republicans.... He’s gunning for scapegoats who “divide” Republicants against each other. They’re important for him to silence, because they clearly prove to the world that it’s not just Democrats and libruls who hate Trump. He’s going for

I thought there was no way he’d get elected, yet here we are. Right now it’s a scandal everyday so if he goes to like one or two a week it’ll be praised by the media as an improvement. Kind of like how people thought he did so great in the debates just because he didn’t shit his pants. I’m just hoping it isn’t eight

He can’t possibly last 4 years. There’s not enough wine in the world to get me through 47 more months of this.

Yes, two PoC. Go figure.

Navarro smoked his little ass with a single Tweet.

I mean, as pundits, their words are going to be tougher than the reporters because pundits can have opinions. How is it weird this would attract more attention than the reporting?

I had the same thought. Picture Van Jones. Now, Ana Navarro. And now picture Jake Tapper and Anderson Cooper.

Yeah, it’s almost as though there’s just something about them that’s . . . different

I’m not sure those folks know the difference between news and opinion. Like, they put creationism and evolution on the same plane too. It’s baffling for anyone with, um, more critical cognitive skills.

Especially since Van Jones and Ana Navarro are pundits, not reporters. Navarro is clearly in the Republican establishment and Van Jones is on the left. They’re supposed to hate Trump. That’s their fucking job.

I feel like it’s telling that he’s highlighting Van Jones and Ana Navarro considering some of the most wtf? moments for this administration have been Kellyanne’s interviews with Anderson Cooper and Jake Tapper. And it’s not like Cooper or Tapper have treated Trump with kid gloves.