
Yes, he does. He is the kind of person who when he meets anyone from any culture other than white, will ask them if they know “so and so” because “so and so” are the same race (and all us brown people have secret meetings on how to destroy white culture, don’t ya know? ;-0)

42% of Americans also believe the world was created less than 10,000 years ago by an imaginary beardo, whose son rode dinosaurs. Have you noticed that there is a LOT of stupid in this country?

There was a survey where like 53 or 54% of Trump voters said Pizzagate was real.

I get that, but it still doesn’t make me feel any better. Republicans are a part of this country. And 100% of them are either ignorant or malevolent. (Or both.) No intelligent and good person is a Republican, Obi Wan quote be damned.

84% of Republicans are still supporting him, while 8% of everyone else is.

40% of Americans think he’s doing a great job.

It’s sad how desperate they are for affirmation from liberals that they’re actually good people. When they don’t get it, they flip out.

Most of them have been brainwashed since birth to think “bad things” only happen to bad women. Most of them cling to this philosophy because of its false security.

Rather than focus on that scary asshole who was so incensed that a woman continued talking when he told her that her time was up that he broke a fucking table (and seriously, what kind of morons buy glass tables whereupon a gavel may be used?), I am proud of Ms. Hennessy for continuing to make her valid points

I am in such a rage, he smashes it down while he looks in her direction. It’s totally intimidation. Ugh. Men are lucky we talk to them, much less fuck them.

Because they know full well what THEY do with power when they have it, and they are terrified that women and/or minorities will do the same.

I do for the mens side, power and authority, what I don’t understand is the women who fuck them or become their wives.

someone started a private group just for conservatives in the neighborhood so they can share their hate without being shamed (there was a follow-up post about how members shouldn’t be concerned about joining as the membership of the group is hidden)

Deplorables are the biggest snowflakes around.

On my neighborhood, someone made a bunch of signs welcoming immigrants and offered them to everyone in our Next Door neighborhood. Most people replied with support, the people that didn’t got replies to their replies (“maybe you should post your address so these refugees can come and live with you”) full of

I thought they loved people telling it like it is? And they say we’re snowflakes, triggered and need safe spaces. They’re following the footsteps of their orange overlord.

Wow. I think he illustrates perfectly where the motivation for these bills comes from; a hatred for women’s voices and choices and medical well-being that is based in hatred of women themselves.

Same, Love! Well, I was binge watching Revenge, because adulting.