
I feel you, as does the half-pint of Ben and Jerry’s I just ate. Americone Dream. Better times.

Ignore the scale, it’s fake news. My scale has a serious liberal bias, probably paid by George Soros.

If a lowly WH aide got a speeding ticket 3 years ago, they would be calling for Hillary’s impeachment.

But Hillary deserves to go to jail for using a private email server....

i inadvertently briefed my scale when I told it I only ate kale and edamame all last week so HOW THE FUCK DID I GAIN 7 POUNDS! #nomnom

In the inevitable movie about the disaster of the Trump Presidency, I hope she’s portrayed (as an American hero of course) by Sarah Paulson.

I really hope the next Democratic President considers Sally Yates for the Supreme Court. She looks like the only professional in this entire mess and should be rewarded for it.

I want someone to knock on his door, and ask to come in. Once inside, I want that person to refuse to leave. “You irresponsibly let me in! Didn’t you know bad house guests were a possibility? Why didn’t you invest in more no trespassing signs? Now you’re my host until I’m done here! You don’t get a choice! Also, I’m

This statement, like so many others in the last year or so, is almost cathartic to me: “FINALLY SOMEONE ACTUALLY SAID IT INSTEAD OF BULLSHITTING IT.” If we have it out in the open, then we can fight it. At least.... that’s what I was telling myself during the election. It didn’t quite work out...

Fuck right off with this shit. It’s almost too funny to be real, but the “host” notion is a key part of Judith Jarvis Thompson’s defense of abortion as a woman’s (aka THE HOST’S) choice. SO FUCK THIS UNEDUCATED PIECE OF SHIT TO HELL AND BACK. It doesn’t matter if I’m a host, bucko - doesn’t mean a fucking thing

I’m glad that people (and I use that term loosely here) now feel free to articulate their anti- female sentiments so openly and blatantly because now we don’t have to waste time convincing everybody else that there’s “still work to do”. Silver linings, I guess.

It goes without saying, writing, even thinking, to call this horrific. I am pleased, however, that this asshole collective of Statlers & Waldorfs (w/ sincere apologies to Mr. Henson) are finally admitting publicly and clearly what they have been thinking forever: Women are chattel, women are here for a man’s pleasure

I think in a round about way he called babies “parasites.” Because when was the last time the term “host” wasn’t paired up with “parasite” when talking about biology?

Representative Humphrey went on to say, “Clearly these ‘hosts’ are so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.”

I’ve heard this “logic” before, and it’s such bullshit and doesn’t hold up to the tiniest of scrutiny. Like, ok asshole, a fetus isn’t “my” body, but it’s inside my body, and last I checked, it doesn’t have squatter’s rights. Even if I entertained the idea that it’s a fully autonomous human being (which I don’t, but I

Oh, oh, oh, and this little gem from The Intercept article:

By that logic we are all but mere transports for the mitochondria that live in our cells. Unless, that actually is his angle?? Is he really just a giant symbiote fighting for pro-mitochondrion rights? Because that’s the only way this makes sense.

so......the last thing i think about when i’m having sex is being a host for a “baby”. i’m just trying to get off. i just want to get off. men can get off and its not a problem. but god forbid i want the same thing and its the end of the world as we know it.