
I knew the military wasn’t for me at a young age, since waking up in the morning was a little too difficult. Anyway, I never knew my grandfather kept his service revolver til my grandmother died and we found it hidden in a drawer. So yeah, not exactly a warmonger.

My late grandfather, although a multi-war vet with 2 Purple Hearts (which I inherited), was exactly the same way. He NEVER talked about his war experience, even when we pleaded with him as children. He had Japanese swords hanging on his wall that he NEVER talked about, and he never spoke negatively of any Koreans,

Hah with regarding my dad, his Latino heritage (read: small stature) was what led to him being pressed into tunnel duty. Lineage sure as hell played a big part for him!

Take your well informed opinion with a unique and influential view and GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY KINJA!

I’m sure there will be an appropriate amount of congressional investigations that go nowhere because they’re designed to just hurt political opponents. Oh wait! A republican is in office! Never mind.

I don’t think he’s referring to Iraq or Afghanistan though, surely he knows that both of them started 15 and 13 years ago.


You can’t be serious. Why would you conclude that people that are against MORE war are all for past/continuing wars?

It should tell you a lot about how deeply entrenched the war machine is in our national economy. First, “defense contractors” as a group is fucking huge. Second, the ripple effects of that initial spending is felt pretty much everywhere else. To illustrate it helps to remember that most “people who know” agree that

When the US invaded Iraq in 2003, some co-workers who knew I had served asked me if I was jealous that I “...wasn’t getting in on that.” When I told them that I thought it was a fucking stupid way to get people killed over nothing, one of them said “I thought you were a MARINE.” Like I was some kind of noble savage

Yeah my other grandfather was stationed in Texas in WWII and never saw combat, he wasn’t a big hawk but he was probably a little more open to war, especially as he was a bit of a bar-fighter himself and probably hadn’t experienced the difference.

The only people who think war is good are the ones who have never fought in a war.

“Respect for sovereignty will ensure a balance of power and non-rivalrous behavior across Europe.”

I think guns are fun, but ultimately unnecessary for most people outside of sport. Really if you are that worried for your safety and well being, eat right and hit the gym.

I think a great way to tell if the person you’re talking to saw ground combat is how eager they are to push the military option. Granted not everyone is the same, but my grandpa (on a minesweeper in Pearl Harbor when it was bombed), my dad (tunnel rat in Vietnam), and a close friend of mine (marine in Iraq mid-2000s),

War is bad for the average person but the government is run by the rich.

Some people have small penises and/or other inadequacies that they take out on the world in frightening ways; I think this is a good description of a lot of the neocon ‘academics’ who birthed our Iraq war nightmare.

Outside of the fact it makes defense contractors money, I don’t get warmongering. War is bad. Objectively. I am not some pacifist hippy for saying so. Sure, it’s nice to have good warriors and soldiers, but actually fighting war is bad (and now we have nukes). My late grandfather saw combat in WWII and was a tough,