
If you’re not looking back, may I suggest you look forward? Get involved on the local level, run for city council or school board, or get involved in the campaign of someone who you respect on the local level. If you feel voting is unproductive, there are other ways to be involved and make a difference in politics.

I don’t know for sure, but I worry that the Catholic church would permit an abuser to just confess his sins and be forgiven. Unlike the horrible sin of getting divorced and remarried, which is unforgivable. /s

To the abusing priest— I assume they could excommunicate him, although Catholicism may allow him to confess his sins. They could strip him of his role as a priest.

Oh absolutely, like I said, I’m not defending the fact that they covered it up, but I’m not sure what they can do other than kick him out of the church at this point.
He should not still be living comfortably on their payroll, at the ultimate expense of the parishioners that he abused. Let him actually work for a living, see how well that turns out for him.

Shake the bag

Yes, I kept re-reading that particular sentence because I don’t really see how wearing a particular costume automatically means it’s not organised terror...?

Thank you Hannah, you’re a treasure! Reina is a very high-end and secular night club. It lays along the Bosphorus and caters to the very rich and famous. It also has a considerable clientele of foreigners, having been visited by Kylie Minogue and Daniel Craig. I don’t know how to communicate the impact an attack on a

That so incredibly sad. I’m so tired of the forces in the world who want to punish people for sharing joy. I know this isn’t a novel or interesting take but seriously, fuck terrorists.

It’s a lot easier for me as the non-family to say that than for him. For better or for worse, we are a team. I don’t want to start out a marriage with resentment because I declared his family couldn’t come. I hear you though, and agree. Tell you what though: bitch ain’t coming to my shower!

Yes: Be Done.

Right!? I’ve gotten something like a half-dozen texts from friends wondering what I’m doing tonight. I text back “Book, Wine, Fire.” I opted out of New Years rigamarole something like seven years ago. Haven’t missed it. In fact, I now look forward to the quiet night in rather than the hassle of getting dressed up,

At this stage of my life, being home with She Who Must Be Obeyed and our kids (Thug Life and Daddy Daddy Daddddyyy) is all I ask for.

Sounds like Mrs Robert G. Marshall got hold of the assemblyman’s browser history!

Hmmmm, where is this labeled a movie review? I usually put it in the tags.

One is worse than the other, but both are horrible. People should absolutely keep bringing it up with Affleck in the same way they did with Parker. I know why they are not, and it’s bullshit, but par for the course in this country.

Hahaha. Here are my favorite movies of 2016 (keep in mind I haven’t seen everything):

Wow, I had no idea about the sexual harassment stuff. He absolutely should be asked about it in interviews, and more thinkpieces should be written about it. He should get the full Nate Parker treatment. Parker deserved it, and so does Affleck.