
The Whiter House

Also, so the cop helped them until they suddenly became a threat?

The only conclusion I can come up with is that the employees had just indulged in some particularly paranoia-inducing weed together. Because that’s just fucking weird.

More likely, it’s the loss of as a supplier of visitors to the other sites. But go ahead and fit the data to whichever personal theory you have.

I get what you’re going for, but some poor contract (so no benefits, of course) employee of the National Parks Service will be tasked with cleaning that up.

And it’s like he can’t arrest ALL of us, right?

Or “Guy Who Lost the Popular Vote by More Than 2 Million Votes”

I, too, live in Indiana. Thank you, from the bottom of my broken heart.

If it makes you feel any better, I was driving in Miami last week and flipped off a Trump building as I passed it on A1A. So you’re more mature than I am.

Saw him last summer on same trail, riding his bike with his security person. I am a non confrontational person so I just gave him the stink-eye that time, but the sight of his frowny faced pus filled noggin in a bike helmet still gives me the shivers.

Ooooh, thinking globally and acting locally, I’m going to start by erecting a Trump’s Dump sign for my cat’s litter box.

Lucky you!!! I’ve been fantasizing about an opportunity to digitally disrespect one of those fuckers (does that sound gross?) but you actually got it!! And delivered!!

So fuckin patriotic. Well done.

waiting for someone else to do something is likely why he’ll be moving into the white house in the first place.

“... stop making memes...”

I have energy for both.

So about an hour ago I was running on the lovely canal trail in my city. It’s cold and sunny, a perfect day to run off the angst of the last two weeks. I’m waiting to cross the main four lane street when I see a bunch of vehicles with lights and sirens coming towards the intersection. I thought it was a funeral but

I hope someone changes the Official Residence to “The White Power House on 1600 I-Can’t-Believe-He-Won-Wisconsin,-Michigan,- and Pennsylvania Avenue”.

More like Mar-A-Leggo My Uterus, AM I RIGHT???