
I made it through the holidays relatively unscathed, found out my awful uncle chopped off part of his finger Wednesday, which I laughed at because I am a bit of an asshole and view it as karma for five+ decades of being a horror of a human being (and suspect he did it on purpose so he could get drugs) and I got a call

I’ve been re-watchin Gilmore Girls. Dean was a terrible, terrible boyfriend. Misogynistic, dumb, controlling, and needlessly jealous. Rory was always afraid of upsetting him. Who gets that panic-y and afraid when they mistakenly lose a bracelet their boyfriend gives them, Most decent people would understand that

That’s “death panels” to you, sir! Your republican memes are slipping.

Please dismiss your troll.

Please don’t ungrey trolls. :/ Especially since a lot of these fucks are probably paid Russian propagandists.

You should know that what you’re doing is extremely condescending. Real people are really concerned about the election of Trump. Telling them they shouldn’t be is unhelpful at best.

You idiots know that even with this recount you still lost the popular vote, right? You’re either a rube who fell for the fake news or a Russian-hired troll.

Death boards?

your kindness is keeping me going. thank you

Awww, what a sweet armchair diagnosis. I’m sure I speak for everybody when I say:

Thanks for your thoughts. They’re appreciated.

Realizing that a single white mother from a rich family gets to have it all and how annoying it can be.

Im missing it, too. I really want to like it and have tried multiples times to love it. We are broken

Low tolerance for narcissists who think being cute and “quirky” makes it okay to be self-centered and oblivious? I tried, and I do not understand the appeal. The characters are all either oblivious assholes or the pushovers the oblivious assholes treat like garbage.

What is missing in me that I never liked this show? No soul? Calcium?

True but don’t pity Richard. Man left his child in a steamer trunk while he went to Croatia!

Yeah, that’s 3 generation of really awful women (Emily was still the best person of the 3, tho), tbh. I honestly don’t know how Richard didn’t die sooner putting up with the lot of them.

I replied, reactivated Facebook, posted the exchange for everyone to see and burn that relationship to the ground and then deactivated Facebook again the next day. Apparently he’s been posting about how unfair liberals are as people have begun to subsequently unfriend him.

Facebook is a massive media monster that uses its collection of personal data to shape online experiences in a deterministic way that benefit Facebook’s shareholders and clients. Which, unless you are buying ad space on FB or fucktons of FB stock, is not you.