
Also, in 2000 (nearly a half a century after a landmark study established the link between cigarettes and lung cancer), he wrote: “Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.” He has repeatedly slashed smoking cessation programs and takes money

He’s also Hank Hill’s dad (on stilts.)

On behalf of (almost) all Hoosiers, let me just say FUCK THIS GUY. He is so vastly unpopular here, even among staunch conservatives, that it’s honestly kind of breathtaking.

When I lived in Indianapolis I felt compelled to write to his office several times because of how outrageously, egregiously awful his legislation was (is). I think I wrote to him like 5 times and I only lived there for a year. On the plus side, he won’t be running for re-election and gave Dems a nice opening for

This is the guy who wanted to force women to have burials for their miscarriages. That is the only sentence about him anyone should need to hear.

Consider also that some of the group he is suing (members of BLM and Obama) are white and/or Christian and/or Jewish. Like, what about a black Christian member of BLM. ARE THEY A PLAINTIFF OR DEFENDANT?!

I think that in order to be committed, you have to present physical danger to yourself and/or others, not just be a total waste of time, space and money.

So, I’d be scared to stand I front of a judge and present an obviously insane time-wasting piece of lunacy again. Can the court just have this guy held for psychiatric evaluation and involuntarily commit him?

Speaking of, why not launch a counter-class action suit against Señor Dipshit, Esq. on behalf of all “whites, Jewish and Christian” for whom he has caused irreparable damage to personal character and open defamation by insinuating that we are all tacit supporters of this race baiting shitbird’s shenanigans?

I’ll take the other part of the Venn Diagram, and ask that as a white Jew, I be counted out. How can you sue on behalf of all the people.

You have the right to opt out of a class action if you choose not to be a member of the class. But in order to get to that point a judge has to actually certify a class action into a legitimate reality. So when that happens, and all us white people get our Klayman V BLM et al class action notices in the mail, there

Seriously. I’d like to submit a formal request to have my pasty white Christian ass removed from the list of plaintiffs and counted as a defendant.

Hey, as an actual sex worker (BDSM-centric, thank you very much) I take great offense to this mocking of my side profession!

...Nah, I’m just messing with you, I literally laughed out loud at this — though I have seen one or two penises (penisi?) that shocked me upon first viewing during forced bi scenes and made me

This will probably get me pretend fired from my fictitious and satirical escort job, but I once serviced Klayman and his penis was stupid and he had ball fungus. I left. Satirically.

Can we sue Klayman for including us in a lawsuit that we don’t want to be part of? I signed no agreement with him.

Ancillary question : how do you sue on behalf of all “white, Jewish, and Christian” members of the population? Like, I fit two of those categories (white, Christian), and would like to be counted out, please and thanks.

He’s the far right version of Charlie:

And now I can’t either. Fitting, thanks 😉

You’re right, that does have a certain rhythm to it. I miss Douglas Adams.

I keep reading “Klayman” as “Klanman”. I just can’t read it any other way.