
“This happened when they were making The Hobbit. They needed to cast background actors, specifically background hobbits.

The stories are about a fire man, an orange rock man, an invisible woman, & a stretchy domestic abuser. “Authentic”, “gritty”, & “realistic" are words that have no place here.

Please stop. It’s not his race, it’s the fact that he’s not blonde. Yeah, that’s it. Johnny Storm has to be blonde or else the movie is ruined. Seriously, that’s the problem. It’s hair color, not race. It’s never, ever race. Never.

“Go outside and walk around”.

I’m only a small part Irish but i am super proud to see the land of my past showing the kind of people they are. You rock Ireland! After reading this horrible Duggar news all yesterday and this morning i needed to see something good.


This makes me very happy, and I’m neither gay nor Irish, just human.

So proud of Ireland today,voted yes myself yesterday.

YAY IRELAND!!! You’re next, SCOTUS.


Whenever one of these scandals involving religious wingnuts such as the Duggars surfaces, I think back to a line from “Hannah and Her Sisters”-If Jesus came back now, He’d never stop throwing up”. People such as Huckabee and Papa Duggar have created a pathetic deity in their own image.

‘The only moral molester is my molester.”

I’m an unmarried woman who’s had sex and was raised by a single mother. I always enjoy being equated with the filthy dregs of society by people like the Duggars and the FRC and the GOP.

I’ll bet anything she honestly doesn’t consider him a “molester”. In her mind he's probably just a confused teen who succumbed to the evil and lavacious whims of his sisters who weren't sufficiently covered up or whatever. Important to draw the distinction between Josh, who actually did this multiple times despite the

oooooooh toaster strudel church sounds like it could be a lot of fun! Strudel for communion, with a much more appropriate (meaning more) amount of wine! Praise be to strudel! In the name of the frosting, flaky crust, and the delicious fruit filling! mmmmm.....

It sickens me even more that she was saying these things while having knowledge of the fact that a child molester who wasn’t trans, gay, or any of the other sexual minorities she was worrying about living under her roof and being protected and celebrated. These idiots should have never been on the air in the first