
yeah...but blatant hatred of people is totally cool! as is misogyny!

You know, sometimes the Devil works in mysterious ways.

As a Christian I usually don’t like the Devil to win but this time

This is not necessarily true. In my area (not necessarily state as there are some overzealous, no-nothing prosecutors with a one-size fits all approach), he would be charged as a juvenile, put on probation, required to undergo a psychosexual evaluation and follow all treatment recommendations and possibly be

Don’t forget Mike Brown! He was a hulking thug with no respect for authority. A violent criminal. But Josh? Come on guys it’s not like he’s gay or something awful..... Ugh. These fucking people. Does Huckabee or the Duggar’s know what the word “hypocrite” means? I don't think they do.

I don’t get Huckabee’s choice to support Josh Duggar at all. Like, if it came out that a young John Podesta lured kids into a van with candy, Hillary Clinton would put out a statement that was like, “Today our thoughts are with all victims of child abuse” and then a link to RAINN. She wouldn’t be like, “John messed

White Christian youth. Otherwise throw the book at them.

So, the next time a 14 year old girl gets pregnant and gets an abortion, we should show compassion because “her judgment was not mature” and “we all need His grace and His forgiveness”?

So animal torture’s cool, child molestation’s totally aces, but BEYONCE is the one who needs to clean up her act? Sit down, Fuckabee. Sit. The fuck. Down.

were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities.

So I assume Huckabee opposes trying children as adults? And believes in rehabilitation for juvenile offenders rather than punishment? Or is that only good enough for Christian youth?

So true. I was thinking the same about “no one needs to defend his actions...” but we can sure defend him!

Guys I went to his Facebook page. I don’t know why. Don’t do it. I beg of you. I write this from the beyond b/c I have expired from a rage stroke.

Actually way more torture than murder. They had to take the poor thing to be put down by a vet.

I’m an atheist, but I so get you. Your prayers will do nothing, my praying won’t change anything about my trauma. You know what might though? Getting justice through the court system.

You could argue he doesn’t know what “inexcusable” means, either. He followed it with a very long excuse.

Let’s just state the obvious here - if it were any other teenager (with a few exceptions for celebrity kids), he would have been charged as an adult and spent a very long time in prison (which is the acceptable punishment here).

It wasn't torture, it was enhanced interrogation.

Holy shit. How have I never heard about this before? What is wrong with all these fucking Conservative Christians? I’m a liberal heathen and yet none of my children have molested, tortured or killed anyone or anything.

Awww, yea!!