
When I was a teenager, I tried coke and heroin. I smoked a whole lot of pot. I dropped out of school and got into trouble. Never, ever, not even on coke and heroin have I ever EVER considered the idea that touching ANYONE sexually when it is unwanted, especially minors, is okay? DA FUCK?

during said confession, I probably would have attempted to choke the life out of him. just being honest here.

Yeah, the hypocrisy burns.

In their (Quiverfull) lifestyle, “raised properly” doesn’t means the same thing it means to the rest of us. For example, a Quiverfull mother (not Mrs. Duggar) boasted how her 8 year old could wash, dress, and feed her younger siblings breakfast without any parental assistance. That and her love of Jesus mattered more

If you read the police report it is pretty clear that at least some of his victims are his sister. The fact that they are against gay marriage/adoption on the grounds bad for families is now the textbook definition of hypocrisy. They let their child who admitted to molesting his SISTERS back into their home without so

I tried to find the number for complaints for TLC and this was the number that was given to me: 571-262-4899. It’s been busy every time I’ve called it, but I’m going to continue to call it until my fingers are nubs. Go to work ladies!

Ugh. Effing bloody hypocrites. I say this, coming from a christian background, where the most strict evangelical preacher who was my great uncle abused about half the female congregation, and knocked up a couple of girls, who were ostracized by the community.

I cannot imagine agreeing to marry a guy who confessed to me that he molested four of his sisters over a number of years. There are so many layers of awful to that...I just can’t imagine being able to set that aside and say, “yes, sure, let’s have lots of babies together!” No way.

Less than a week ago, I witnessed a facebook argument where someone defended the Duggars life with the saying, “The Duggar children aren’t in jail or drug addicts, so they’re obviously better parents then most!” While I didn’t want to get into it, my first thought was, “Like addicts and jail are the only outcomes of

Josh Duggar needs to be held responsible for what he did, but I still have sympathy for him because he was raised in a cult. Ideally he’d be punished and simultaneously offered a chance to rehabilitate.

They are cult members and they believe that (a) their daughter is basically not a person and (b) the Duggar family is particularly graced and chosen by God, as evidenced by their success. So they sold her to move up in the cult is my guess, but they probably don’t frame it like that for themselves.

Reminds me of my favorite Lyle Lovett song, which goes something to the effect, "You want to be forgiven. Well God does but I don't, and God will but I won't, that's the difference between God and me."

It started when he was 14, but like a good child molester, I doubt he stopped, especially with all the opportunity he had at home. So this should probably stop being presented as the mistake a poor kid made at age 14. Especially when said kid grew up in a household that bans dating, kissing, and frontal hugging.

This disgusts me but doesn’t surprise me. But it makes me feel ill inside. My older cousin did this to his sisters and I think me (though it was when I was so young its very hazy memory wise) and now as an adult because he now has a wife and children we are expected to welcome him back into the family because “he has

The more I read this the angrier I get. How dare these people go around claiming that they are holier than thou because they follow God, and ridicule others who do not follow traditional Christianity, yet they had a child molester in their family who violated young girls who will NEVER be able to have those things

“Duggar has also resigned from his completely symbolic and meaningless role as Executive Director of the Family Research Council, which was only given to him for publicity purposes as he has no real leadership skills.” There fixed it for ya.

Seriously, does People have this ridiculous family under contract? It seems like every other week they’re either on the cover or at the top of their newsfeed …

And it's transgendered people that we should be worried about in the bathroom. Ugh, gag me with a spoon

How can a child with 19 other siblings be raised properly? I hope his parents take some responsibility for this. He never had a proper education nor a proper childhood, and raised with that ridiculous religion.

I don’t understand how his in-laws allowed a known child molester to marry their daughter, and how the Duggars allowed him to remain in contact with younger members of the family. Shameful, disgusting parenting all around.