
Maybe I see too much sex in everything, but I don’t think it is unusual or uncommon at all. This is why parental attention is so important during adolescence, and why I think competent, comprehensive sex education should be mandatory. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that withholding proper sexual education from your


thanks for backing this shit up. Also, you don’t get a gold medal for parenting when your kid fondles your other kids and you call the authorities. Probably means you were doing something weird in the first place.

Right, but earlier in the article it says they knew for over a year before they told anyone; in the next paragraph Michelle admits there was no counseling; and later in the article it clarifies that the “trooper” that Jim Bob took Josh to was actually a personal friend who just gave him a “stern talking to.” Nothing

Jim Bob Duggar waited more than a year after his son, Josh confessed to sexually molesting several female minors before contacting police.”

The family did not alert authorities.

The linked article suggests that the parents knew about this for well over year without doing anything about it or reporting it other than to “church elders.” Also, it says that Michelle admitted that they didn’t actually get counseling for Josh but sent him to work with “a guy they knew” who was remodeling homes.

My first thought was that I wished I was more surprised.

Did they send him for counseling or just send him away? This comment says Michelle has admitted he didn’t get counseling, they just sent him to hang out with a home remodeler they know.

Read the linked In Touch article. They did not turn him in, nor did he get counseling of any kind.

And not just any 25-year-old, she has to be a nuclear physicist trapped in the body of a cheerleader who’s the only person in the world who can *help* the male hero solve whatever the problem is.

I’m 32 and because of my age and lack of “hotness,” I am practically invisible. The ad with Mindy Kaling going through the grocery store eating ice cream could be my life. (Edited b/c my grammar is terrible before the first cup of coffee/tea.)

She didn’t even get a Last Fuckable Day party.

Well she *is* almost forty, the age when women apparently become invisible, pointless, and may as well be dead.

This article talks about the phenomenon in Hollywood where men age and women don’t pretty effectively, with charts!

Let’s be serious here. Her husband is not paying her because she is a “mom.” He is paying her because she is attractive, keeps herself in good shape, and pleases him. Part of that includes being a mother and keeping the kids out of his hair. But, don’t fool yourself into thinking that these mothers don’t all have

I know I’m not supposed to be “snarking” on other women/moms, and I’m supposed to support everyone’s choices without contributing to the “mommy wars”. But I live around people who are a little like this, and I’m sorry but it’s getting old. No actual wife bonuses. But a whole lot of women whose lives revolve around

One of those times I’m glad I was a philosophy major.

The suit says Ball’s behavior casts serious doubts upon her motivation for insisting upon the forced vaginal probing sessions.