
Mentioned ‘em in the first graph!

I’m sorry if this offends anyone, but all these people don’t sound that nice at all!!!


My point is, unexpected babies are expensive, and sometimes you need money asap, and that’s what crowdfunding can do.

I gave a little. Because babies. Father does seem like a total dipshit, but that’s isn’t the child’s fault. (Just added dipshit to my dictionary, as it’s bound to be useful again...)

What about anal-only?

I promise you my mom has no clue what crowd sourcing is but I turned out fine.

People turn to crowdfunding for much less.

Ada Guan said that her medical bills in Japan came to $5,000. I wonder how big her bill would have been had she given birth on the way to, say, Los Angeles, and wound up in an American hospital. I’d definitely bet the over on that one.

I am going to go out on a limb here and I don’t mean this in a unkind way-but if the cognitive function of this couple is perhaps a little on the low end, I can see how this all lines up. It could also explain why they think raising a cat is similar to a baby, asking for $50k is reasonable etc. Maybe to them it all

Oops! How could I forget. You're absolutely right.

“murdering an unarmed BLACK citizen” - You gotta murder the right kinda folk if you want a successful gofundme campaign. Don’t expect to get much support for shooting white people because that is your donor base.

I just donated simply because fuck people for trolling a goddamned gofundme that features a newborn baby.

I think the world loves pregnant women. They hate women with babies and children though. Or maybe that’s just the republicans.

This is the best thing ever.

What? How does that even make sense?

So people feel okay giving money to cops who are on paid leave after murdering an unarmed citizen on camera but giving to a woman who gave birth to a child she didn’t know she was carrying on a fucking airplane is asking too much? That’s greedy?!

I work with high school kids and when this came up in a debate, one of the very religious kids said, “THAT’S NOT TRUE, ABSTINENCE ALWAYS WORKS.”

I said it before, I’ll say it again: The world fucking hates pregnant women and would be happy treating them like shit, unless it’s their own mother. Then she’s a queen!

That is awesome.