
“We want to send a message to our officers and our employees that this kind of behavior is over.” Until next time, someplace else, probably like five minutes from now.

So...possibly stop hiring jawdropping racists and misogynists?

I couldn’t find a good “Police Racism”(go figure) panel so this will have to do

They live in an echo chamber where all their friends laugh along, so of course they’re hilarious and not at all offensive. And if somebody does get offended, what’s wrong with them? Can’t they take a joke?

In a way, I love that these Neandrathals are now sending emails and posting on social media what once would have just been jocular racist women-hating buddy-buddy water-cooler talk. Thanks for the physical record of your douchebaggery, douchebags!

I have never worked at a place where people have sent around emails like this. I don’t understand who would ever think this is appropriate work behavior, for ANY job, let alone for a job as a police officer. They are literally joking about sending black people to jail in rigged systems and about the domestic violence

Who are these people who are so fucking blatant about the fact that they’re racist, sexist pieces of shit?

Jesus. Part of me is angry so many innocent people had to die and get hurt to bring the rampant corruption and bigotry in U.S. police departments into the public eye, and another part of me is just happy the rest of the world is now seeing what our more vulnerable communities have known about them all along.

Who are these people who are so fucking blatant about the fact that they’re racist, sexist pieces of shit?

...a photo of a woman with a black eye, and the tagline, “Domestic violence. Because sometimes, you have to tell her more than once.”

I think it's good that they are showing a pretty realistic reaction to the grief that the family is going through. Changes suck and people can be shitty while going through them.

I have frequently questioned this family’s fame- hell, I have questioned their existence. If THIS is why they are here, though... shut my mouth, they are doing good things.

That’s what got me too. This was an Olympic athlete, the picture of what a male in society should look like, but he was desperately unhappy. So while the world celebrated him, he felt like a fraud.

I might actually watch this.

It’s true that the residential usage of water is a minority of the problem. But the counter argument is that the water spent on agriculture is useful. People eat that food (or in some cases animals eat that food and then people eat the animals). Which isn’t to say that there’s not a lot that could be done to reduce

It’s similar to shaming food stamp recipients for accepting a “handout” while the corporate suits walk away with the vast majority of the welfare.

Yeah. Apparently almonds take a huge amount of water to grow, and California produces a massive amount of almonds. That’s just one crop. Yikes.

In case anyone cares to actually UNDERSTAND the issue, residential water usage is a tiny part of a much larger problem. Focusing on the insignificant stuff is exactly what shifts attention from the real problem. California agriculture uses the vast majority of the water, 80%. Residential uses just 20%. Of that, only

I went to St. Andrews for university, so we had quite a few golf-loving celebs come through, especially during the Dunhill Cup. At one point I went out with a couple of my friends from hall to go watch some of it, and it was just as boring as you’d expect from, y’know, golf. So we’re talking about how boring it is and