
Legit just watched the “Mary Tyler Moore Show” episode where Mary is furious she makes $50 a week less than her predecessor and does a better job. Love that it’s still a problem 40 years later.

The men are getting paid more because men are naturally better at everything, duh!

It isn’t catcalling to me either but as far as everyone else seems to think, it is. See the whole “catcalling in New York” video that many people like to push around as an example of how much women get catcalled, where half the examples are like what I just described. I was quoting one word for word.

What the fuck, is that the new hashtag? #notallwomen? You need to shut up. She didn’t say “Every single woman is identical and feels all the same things all the time.”

Lol! He is, like, so totally a girl! Grrrrrrrrr! Somebody needs a nap! (I’m responding to you instead of him, because fuck him.)

I didn’t say ALL women, I said women, in general. It doesn’t apply to you? Good for you then, it’s great that you havn’t been assaulted or jizzed on or stalked or whatever to make you feel threatened, move on. It’s still an experience many feel (and I’m also saying this on behalf of all the women I personally know who

You sort of just proved my point though with the whole hostile behavior? Because why have a discussion when you can just be an ass :)!

Just recently there was a guy harassing a woman on the bus ride home and I tried to be like “Dude, you’re not only annoying everyone on the bus but can’t a woman just be left alone in public?” and then he took a swing at me with a bottle of iced tea. Luckily he ran off the bus because the driver was also having none

That’s how hopeless it seems some days - our own freaking husbands/bfs won’t even listen. The peen knows all, little lady brains.

I got catcalled last year while I was with my husband, and he’d never experienced that before. He was SHOCKED. He asked me if I knew those guys, and I stared at him, thinking he was joking. After a couple of seconds, I said, “No. They were yelling at me.” He asked why, and I kind of laughed and shrugged. Then he asked

The comedian Louis C.K. has a bit about how the biggest threat to women is men. Have him watch that. It’s the truth.

I’m extra nice to drunk men. Mainly because I am scared out of my fucking mind.

So, did you stab him in the eye with a car key or...? I had an ex who grabbed my butt in a stadium and immediately regretted it when my instinct was to wheel around and defend myself. But that was in broad daylight, in a crowd. It must have been fucking terrifying to be fake-strangled like that.

Oooh I about eliminated the opportunity for future children when my then-boyfriend now husband did that to me (come up behind me in public). I was like “Look, asshole, you know who you are and you know it’s you but pull yourself out of your ass for one minute and realize that I AM NOT YOU AND THEREFORE DO NOT KNOW

I used to be like that. Then some disrectful, entitled, asshole, catcaller wouldn’t leave my girlfriend alone while she was sitting in her car waiting to pick me up. As soon as he saw me he said (his exact words): “Oh sorry man, I didn’t know she was with you!” He didn't apologize to her. He apologized to ME for

Off-topic: reminds me of an ex who thought (while we were still together) it would be hilarious to sneak behind me and put an arm around my neck as if he was going to strangle me. In an abandoned train station, in the evening (it wasn’t night, but it was dark), while I was reading (so not paying attention). Yeah, real

Perhaps to show him this article then.

I have a happy “man coming to terms what women face” story:

I’ve had the SAME problem with my husband. Because he hasn’t experienced it he doesn’t understand it at all. He doesn’t defend their behavior but doesn’t understand the fear it causes