
Either the shittiest poor folk or the super saintly ones, to give people the warm and fuzzies/feel bad.

My thoughts exactly. Who are they trying to entertain, after all? Poor people? They can’t buy their advertisers’ products.

My mother in law is friends with his mother. He babysat my wife as a child. I stopped holding my tongue when he called himself an uncle Tom and he was ok with that. Since then I’ve crucified him on FB with every moronic thing. My wife has totally given up defending him. Her brother and my mother in law are not happy

I’ve got an equally odd allergy — mushrooms. Like, grab the EpiPen and stab me on the way to the ER-level allergy. The number of people who think I just don’t like it is far too high. Seriously, I did not get intubated for fun when they shot me up with enough epinephrine to have a Welsh Pony set a land speed record

Agreed. Poor people get enough shit as it is.

Or look! These greedy poor people won’t share with those less fortunate!

That occurred to me as well. But they will probably come up with some other twist just to mess with their minds.

Yeah. Then there’s that. You’re so right on.

The show would be far more interesting to me if one family was already upper middle-class. Like, see if the comfy family gives away their money.

Forgive my pessimism but I wouldn’t be surprised if they screened all the decent people out and chose only the shittiest examples of poor people for their show, thereby not only erasing any possible benefit to society but serving as another talking point for right wingers.

This. It feels like the perfect show for any rich asshole to point at and be like “See? The ‘poor’ family must not be that bad off since they turned down 100k!”

It’s sarcastic. The implication is that it’s the kind of thing an unfeeling rich person might say, and it’s used as a mockery of that entire way of thinking. People used to call my family and people like us “lower class”, or even “the underclass”. I still hear those phrases today and they make my blood boil. “The

Did nobody in the production team ever stop to think this premise has a 1 season shelf life? After seeing X number of poor families battle through the guilt and then revealing the twist, the season 2 poor people will answer the guy with a briefcase full of money: “well, that other family ALSO got a briefcase full of

I think this is bullshit. At our most financially dire it would be horrible for someone to present my mother with the chance of having money vs some guilt about paying it forward. It seems on some level to be paying on the guilt that a lot of poor and low income families have about whether they are in a position where

What is this, the fucking Hunger Games??

Our “crazy lawsuits” are way overstated. The most common examples (hot coffee from McDonalds) are actually usually way more legit than people give them credit for. Or if it is an actually ridiculous lawsuit (praying over fajitas) then people lose the case.

No, you were not. You used the wrong word. It is precedent, jackwagon.

More like “motherfucking-wannabe-’I-watched-a-Law-and-Order-marathon’-internet-lawyer.”

You obviously don't get it.