
I have a friend who almost DIED from a blood clot caused by her BC pill who was awarded a shit ton of $$ in a class action suit, and she happens to be black, so she must be a HUGE DRAIN ON SOCIETY, AMIRITE? Except if she could trade all that money to get back the time she spent in the hospital, the years of

Good call. The whole “article” is just like he vomited random words and white male rich person privilege all over the internet. Blah blah blah words blah blah blah poor people have it coming blah blah blah invisible relationships of poverty. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The neighborhood of Englewood in Chicago has one of the highest rates of lead poisoning of any single neighborhood in America (bad landlords, disinvestment in infrastructure, etc.), which has been proven over and over again, and the EPA/state/local government have yet to provide any resources to clean it up. They will

It’s nice that Brooks dropped that line in there and links to the Washington Post story about the settlement. Even better would have been if Brooks had bothered to read the entire story, which outlines the multiple health problems that result from lead paint poisoning and the writer calls a “especially cruel scourge

The world is waiting for a thinker who can describe poverty through the lens of social psychology. Until the invisible bonds of relationships are repaired, life for too many will be nasty, brutish, solitary and short.

The Seattle Times is doing a series on lead poisoning in shooting ranges, and how the workers at said ranges are not only falling ill themselves, but having their children affected as well. Oddly, nowhere was it suggested that the kids brought it on themselves/were evil for demanding a settlement.

Yeah, what’s the thinking there? “Fuck this poor person, running around eating all our super cool lead paint on purpose so that he can sue us for our hard-earned hazardous-chemicals-in-people’s-homes money!”?

NOW they believe in due process. Now that the cops are the ones on trial...

Stay strong my lovelies! If it gets to be too much just remember: there is a kick-ass prosecutor going after the police who murdered Freddie Gray. Remember that.

For some of us, it’s all downHELL.


Right? His upward mobility matters when not being upwardly mobile is an offence worthy of the death penalty minus due process or a trial.

But these same people are very, very concerned about property. Just think of they CVS store windows, oh the humanity!

With the numerous financial difficulties at the New York Times, is there any real reason to keep Brooks, Friedman, et al on staff?

He won a settlement for lead paint poisoning.

Death also gets in the way of upward mobility.

“he wasn’t going anywhere good anyway”

I haven’t watched the 50 Shades movie (but I read the first book), and I watched the first few episodes of The Fall. It was actually a really good show (I really liked Gillian Anderson), but at the time I wasn’t down for something that serious/harrowing/freaky. Maybe when I’m in a better frame of mind I’ll try picking

The best way to end these movies would be to Shyamalan-twist them and reveal that Grey was the murderer from The Fall all along.