
hahahahaha. I have several lists...

Was that an attempt at a homophobic and misogynistic insult? Do better.

Who is applauding and egging them on? But I’m not going to condemn them, either. A man was murdered, the police are leaking bullshit information about how he somehow severed his own fucking spine after two weeks of saying nothing. And you don’t understand why people might be violently angry? Why people might feel

I don’t think it’s exactly painting with a broad brush to say that “a lot” of the white people engaging in a particular action (lauding the woman’s punishment of her son) are celebrating behavior that they would never want their own children on the receiving end of.

lol right! “Hey dear...there’s a man I want to impregnate me. You down or nah?” hahahahhaa.


It also infantilises the entire protest. Like, the only people protesting or getting angry are disobedient children. If someone could just control them and stop them from being so goddamn disrespectful and insubordinate everything would be FINE!!

I mean, have you asked? I feel like you could make a strong case to your husband and he would be onboard. He is the ultimate contender for that “list” thing married people joke about.

I want to have a lovechild with him but I don’t think my husband would approve :P

That woman is afraid the police flooding her city are going to murder her only son and these fucking idiots think it is about discipline.

No, it’s beat those black children. Because when white youth tear apart their university because their child rape accepting football coach gets fired, or when a white son gets caught vitro taping himself and his friends gang raping an unconscious teen, there are no mass media calls to beat these offenders. Hell, their

No, you mean “beat the black male”. That game makes a lot of people smile, no matter what.

There has been a present state of structural oppression and structural violence in Baltimore for decades. Yet, instead of focusing on the corruption within the local police and government or the disparity between the inner harbor area and West Baltimore, our national news focuses on catchy stories like:“Baltimore

This woman didn’t do this because she doesn’t believe in the movement or the protest, she did it out of fear for the safety of her kid. She is not a hero mom, just a scared one. All the parents are scared - almost every black kid has had that experience. The one where you are scolded by your parents because you chose

At this point I don't even care about using qualifiers. White people have a mental block when it comes to historical context. Look at that Gawker post about the CNN reporter with the audacity to chastise a black man for saying nigger, not because of the history of the word, but because white people can't say it. I

God yes. About fifteen of my friends posted this on Facebook yesterday and some of them were shared from conservative news links. I remember thinking that this was going to be the main focus instead of what the protest is really about.

Same here.

This was my fav response to that.

And white people everywhere are like, “Violence is bad, I could never condone it... yeah beat that child! and those looters!”

Yeah, I don’t... I don’t understand the focus on this. People are using this woman to say “Look, it’s all about GOOD PARENTING AND NOTHING ELSE”. I’m not saying parenting doesn’t play a part, but it’s as if we’re now creating this narrative that this wouldn’t have happened if everyone just had doting mothers. We were