
Unfortunately, rioting behaviour is too easily dismissed as “thugish” and it takes the spotlight off the real issues. If nothing else, I hope that violent rioting like this finally gets the point across to the fuckwits running the show, because they are obviously not listening. Like, at all.

Let me get this straight, Black people rioting in their neighborhoods because their grievances about life and death situations is dumb because those businesses won’t come back; but white people rioting for trivial reasons is okay because there’s never a shortage of businesses that will invest in white communities.

Oh I know! It’s embarrassing to be Irish when I hear shit like this. FFS, being Irish and slavery have fuckall to do with this particular situation anyway. Apologies for my language, I just hate stupid people.

Um, has this person ever heard of the New York City draft riots? Irish people have rioted in this country, too.

The Declaration of Independence says “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life . . . .” That is, the founders of this country said that every person is born with the right to live, of which the government cannot deprive us. That’s why

Two words for whoever wrote that: Northern Ireland.

When someone says that to you bring up white-on-white crime. 84% of violent crime perpetrated against whites is done by other whites. When there is a controversial white issue, like the majority of mass shooters being white men no one brings THAT up.

Gary Younge on “black-on-black crime”:

The dumbest fucking thing I read today was a comment on a Boston news site’s FaceBook page.I’ll paraphrase...

Also “fans”, “revelers”, and my favorite, “celebrants”. White privilege Kool-Aid is refreshing and apparently served in a bottomless pitcher.

When nonviolence is preached by the representatives of the state, while the state doles out heaps of violence to its citizens, it reveals itself to be a con.

Yet again blacks are thugs, but white college students rioting because their favorite team didn’t win a game is just “kids being kids”.

This is the problem: we’re expected to kiss the police department’s ass. It’s not enough that the mayor is condemning the rioters. She has to grovel at the feet of the Baltimore police department because we’re supposed to look at them as royalty.

That’s some Michelle Obama-level side-eye.

“Violence is not the answer..” Cool, too bad about the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS the govt. spends on wars & planting ‘seeds of freedom’.

This expression is my everything.

Wait till the attacks on yoga. The pants are the only reason we keep your kind around.

I think Seth Rogan and Rosie O’Donnell probably are nerds. But Bono is for sure a fucking dork.