
Because in Oregon, part of doing business is that you don’t get to discriminate. It’s the law. You can always haul your ass and your cakes to West Virginia if it means that much to you.

Plus, Sweetcake pulled a LOT more shit than not just baking a cake, which included posting the names and addresses and work locations

It was illegal because they refused to perform the exact same service they performed for everyone else, because of not liking the customer’s sexual orientation, which is protected in the region in which they operate.

Oh, yeah, dude. I test kids for learning disabilities all the time, and I’m pretty sure I have one. Discalculia! If there is a way to mess up with numbers, I can find it. I have to redo and check my work multiple times, so when kids argue with me about having to do that, I say, sorry! I’m not asking you to do anything

I hate those GoFundMe things. I hate them. These are the people that claim that America is going to shit and the economy is going to shit but they have freaking money to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for this and other stupid hateful causes like restricting abortion. Fuckers! I hate them all!!

Are you saying the best you can do is being a mermaid riding a plesiosaur?? BECAUSE I WANT TO BE YOU

What part of “legal” don’t you get?

He can also read the fine print. The Devil really is in the details.

Devil’s food cakes .

I didn’t know that Satan cared so much about gay wedding cakes.

“ And then, Satan took it all away. Well, he took further donations away. “

WHOA. And I thought my attraction to him was (almost) purely mental. Nope.

Neil gave right on advice to this little girl. Is it okay that I am slightly giddy that I know a little bit more about autism and dyslexia than he does? Because he had a lot of it wrong. I’m not even mad, because this is surely the last time I will ever know more about something than Neil Degrasse Tyson does.

Thanks. My sister wanted to go into horticulture, and didn't because she was warned that the math would be too hard. She still wishes she had done it, despite the people telling her she couldn't.

people in his field absolutely struggle with dyslexia, and that they also struggle with ADD, dyscalculia and autism.

I love him so much! My daughter has dyslexia and she is one of the hardest working students I have ever encountered. I often tell her that her determination and willingness to overcome obstacles will take her far in life. Struggles do not have to define you; they can make you the strongest. I love that Neil deGrasse

I really like this advice. Especially because, as teens coming of age in the ‘90s, my sister and I were steered away from science because we were “bad at math.” But you know what? I had to take math classes in college to graduate, and with a little extra effort and assistance from my instructors, I got As. Even though

Best I could do: