
“Just get the fucking tampons” is a totally fine response to this, IMO.

Yeah if my hubby has to get them, I have to write out the brand, type, etc. He’ll still call me confused or whines about it. I’m like nobody cares at the registers damn it!

Seriously?! Avenue Q was great, but what the hell is wrong with people?

My dad was always good about that stuff too! Even beyond period care, he could be counted upon to pick up the right skin care things and shampoo and whatnot, too.

Aw thanks. And your kinja name always makes me chuckle!

Yes, it’s public. But when I was a kid this was not a thing at elementary school so I find it confusing. The rule is three finger wide straps. But she has such tiny shoulders. If it was three fingers it would be too big! I don’t know about the boys. I’ll have to look it up.

Those parents make me so mad! A few years ago, I saw the musical Avenue Q with my mom. It’s a musical with puppets, but it’s also VERY adult and graphic, which is a well known fact. There were a TON of kids there, I myself was seated next to a kid who was no older than 9. I felt so uncomfortable the whole show - this

Jesus Christ! They're really starting early with this bullshit now. They atleast waited until I started growing boobs before shaming me about my body. Tell them that she's a 5 year old girl and that they should back the fuck off. That's just sick what they're implying.

Wow, this is fucking nuts.

I saw “Unbearable Lightness of Being” sitting in the same row with nuns. I was like to die.

I worked at a movie theater and I was always amazed at what parents would let kids see. I was even more amazed that 90% of them who wanted to take their kids to R-rated movies were totally fine with ultraviolence, but not sex. Blow people to smithereens? Cut their skin off with a razor? FINE! Nude scene? NO WAY.

Wtf? Did the same rule apply to the boys? Surely up short issues apply to both.


The same happened to us at these age except it was about shorts and the monkey bars. They even talked to the girls instead of the parents. I was livid. I told my daughter that the rule was dumb and wrong and why but it was a school rule that she had to follo. I bitched out the staff for how they handled - it was a

I remember getting extremely annoyed when I saw a baby at The Dark Knight. It was crying behind me at certain points.

Not a prude. When I saw Magic Mike in theaters the row behind me was filled with like three generations of women from the same family, like a mom and her sisters/the mom’s adult daughters/and like a fucking nine year old. I swear to god the first thing on screen in that movie is Joe Manganiello’s cock in a penis pump.

Judge away, I’d do the same thing. JFC

It gets weird seeing kids when you’re trying to enjoy stuff made for adults. It feels like they shouldn’t be there.

Stupid rant: went to see “Get Hard” last night and there were young, YOUNG kids in the audience. Like, not older than ten. And this movie was filthy. Definitely violent, lots of nudity, and some pretty adult subject matters in general. This happened when I saw “Watchmen,” too, among others. And that movie is

I was told this week that I have vaginismus. A week after turning 30. Yay...this sucks. It’s awful and it’s impacted my sex life for 9 years. I’ve suspected that I’ve had this for at least 5 years now.