
I’m sure loads of personal messages were sent, and his family is clearly there for him 24/7. Social media messages are both for Bruce and for people to see that support and love exists for him during his journey, which serves to not only show him that love and support but others going through a similar journey. Also a

I feel this is a problem with most contemporary flicks. When you look at movies that used actual filim stock (as oppose to digital), it’s almost always much more vivid, even in films that aren’t big action blockbusters. Especially pictures from around the 70’s, they’re incredibly vibrant and simply pop. I understand

Ugh, yes. I had one boss who treated me like a teenage daughter no matter how careful I was to be professional, limit personal conversation topics, or deliver my work without errors and on time. It’s just how she wanted to see me. I had another boss who treated me like her girlfriend and confidante right up until the

PREACH. What is the payoff for all this brand-management and marketing focus-group analysis just to decide which facade you pick to get through your days, anyway? What do you get out of it? Your image in each person’s eyes is almost entirely shaped by their baggage— struggling to advertise anything else is pointless.

You have to deal with people treating you like a surrogate mother/daughter/sister/spouse even when you’re actually just two people who met three months ago and share a windowless office in the marketing department of a mid-level law firm in Indianapolis.”

Good. Ironically, the most insufferable people are usually those who have a true belief in their own greatness (excepting people like Serena Williams, because when you’re a champion, you are by definition pretty great).

Cynic checking in. I’m having a shit week.

Right there with you. I have a doctor’s appointment next week to get back on anti-depressants, and I’m already pretty sure I’m either going to end up cancelling last minute or my husband is going to have to take me. Fixing my shit is really hard and I’d rather just play video games and pretend my problems don’t exist.

Same. But I definitely have a way that I WANT people to see me- like a narrative about who I am, and generally I think I pull it off, at least with people who aren’t super close to me.

My guess is they thought the story was so heinous sounding, they whole she was left with a skull in her uterus that anything else wouldn’t matter. And that whole skull thing sounded like pure bullshit - even if she did have the skull in her uterus, which I highly doubt, it would’ve been so tiny.

And that he thought she would be scandalized to see her legs, like all old folks are prudes. They’re her damn legs, why would she be scandalized?!?

The Vagina Skulls sounds like a band name.

Every time I see an article about abortion I get the urge to run a kickstarter aimed at conservatives to teach them that “Abortions Only Kill Liberals”: I would spread propaganda about how “Liberals have manipulated Conservatives into being against abortions to swell the numbers of people on welfare rolls so that they

Exactly how big is an ‘11-week fetus skull?’ Because an 11-week old fetus is 1.5’’ so a ‘skull’ would be... millimeters? Even if this were true, surely that would just be naturally expelled? Most women pass blood clots bigger than that during menses.

Dear pro-lifers, a fetus at 11 weeks is 1 and 1/2 inches long. While tiny body parts have begun to form, there is no discernible head to get stuck. I miscarried at 11 weeks and was waiting to see...something. What you see are basically clots. And Judge Tabit, booyah to you

“Calhoun also apparently didn’t contact Gravely for a full year to tell her he’d supposedly seen a skull in her uterus;”

There isn’t much a person can say in defense of the book or the movie, but I like the title, “GONE WITH THE WIND.” It tells you right off the bat that this world and all of its values are on their way out. All these complacent rich people in their giant houses, the people in the first scene at the Wilkes’ barbecue,

I read the book out of curiousity. The first half is mildly racist and could almost be viewed as criticism of their world. Then boom second half and you go ohhhhhhh no. It goes waaay more into the clan. The movie skirted around it, but oh my god the things that book says.

I really loved this movie as a child, but that was before I knew better. I’m really not trying to be self-righteous here, but I honestly can’t enjoy it anymore and can’t appreciate the costumes out of context.

Umm, actually it looks gold and white.