
That is amazing. Now I want to drunk dial politicians :)

Ah that’s awesome! Your mom sounds like a riot. Old (not saying your mom is old though) leftists are the best! They have seen so much, and yet are still kicking.

Here’s another important question.... did they leave the badges and guns behind?

Oh, yeah. I forgot that a tenet of Republicanism is that “Mexican” is a color, not a nationality.

I’m betting at least one quit before he could be fired.

Funny how none of these turds ever says they’re gonna move to Mexico, despite that country’s policies towards immigrants sounding a lot friendlier.

I was looking at the town’s website, too. Seems like a quiet little tiny town, and the people seem nice enough, although the site hasn’t been updated since 2002.

They should probably just roll under the county anyway. Having a Barney Fife for every pissant incorporated wide spot in the road is dumb.

Looks like it was 6 total, according to a quote in the Huffington Post:

Ah, I love those people. Sure, come on up. YOU’LL LOVE IT.

Wouln’t like the equality or socialism of Europe or Scandinavia either...

I always laugh when I hear that. You mean you want to move to a place where Clinton would be the far right?

Their corruption would be exposed.

Things aren’t so rosy up here at the moment:

Yea. I smell misappropriated funds and a good ol boy slush fund that's about to get exposed.

At least one notable demographic, anyway.

Apparently they “wiped their computers” before they left. I’m interested to see what comes out of that recovery operation.

I’d like to know more about these ‘safety concerns’ cited as the fake reason for leaving this tiny town in Missouri without a police force.

Think about how corrupt that place must be, same mayor forever, that changes, and everyone quits.

If he comes through Texas, he’s got a few folks who will stand him to drinks. My family is full of liberal veterans. (Which is probably why my brother married a right wingnut, but that’s another post...)