
what do people do who are in between sizes? clothes are too baggy but the size smaller are too tight. just alter everything?? $$$

“ Because he sees what’s truly important: love, and also representational art.” This was a brilliant review.

Luke gives up self-destruction, while Sophia gives up self-creation. Luke gets saved by the love of a good woman, and Sophia gets to devote herself to him instead of fancy-pants art in New York City.

But my boss, Erin Gloria Ryan, sentenced me to my lonesome fate

What cracks me up about the “we’re from two different worlds” narrative is that its never remotely close to actually being from two different worlds. They’re both white, middle class-ish, same region, same culture, same language. One just likes to ride horses and one likes art.

See women should give up their dreams because true love (between wealthish white heteros) will always end up providing a perfect future for you! If you reject true love and move to NY like a shrew, you’re on your own. This is kind of why I still like Girls a bit. I like that the most sane advice given to Shoshanna was

excuse you, Sparks is definitely a guy, because he writes Serious Literature (I think he once compared himself to Hemingway.) Not that romance crap like those silly lady writers.

Wait. What? No one died of movie cancer in a Nicolas Sparks movie?????

I hope he writes about the Nieman Marcus cookie recipe next.

But my boss, Erin Gloria Ryan, sentenced me to my lonesome fate, and I couldn’t even get good and drunk because I had shit to do afterwards.

By Nicholas Spark standards that’s pretty tame. Looks like this time he had to content himself “only” with the Holocaust. I bet he’ll double up on the cancer in his next number.

One likes Mayo, the other likes Miracle Whip... this shit just ain’t working out.

Kelly, I don’t know what you did to Erin to make her so mad but you should apologize, ‘cause this just seems really mean.


Kelly at least, did Erin got you a bottle of wine/vodka for your sacrifice??

Yeah, expanding our knowledge of how and why serial killers murder human beings couldn't possibly be productive.

If you were murdered and nobody found out who did it, wouldn't you want justice?

So what cases do you care for? Recent gruesome and horrific murders as opposed to bygone ones?

Why comment at all if your opinion is "I don't care about this"?

Yeah brah I totally know what you mean brah its like ppl r just living in the past YOLO brah