
Although this service dog has been trained to be docile, not every dog has that training. Trig could try this with a different dog and get a very different response. Plus, you know, treating animals well is something that parents should teach their children.

Excellent points.

I thank all that is Good and Holy that she was not elected to high office.

It depends on the temperament of the dog. My dog is very timid. You can do anything to her when she's scared, and she won't move. I don't blame Trigg because he's six AND has Down's Syndrome. I don't know what's his dumbass mother's excuse, though.

Even as a bratty 14 year old, I knew when & how to apologize. Probably because I wasn't raised by a raging sociopath like Sarah Palin.

It really wouldn't have taken much to say "It only happened once and we won't let him do it again" or something like that. Going on a rant comparing it to the 'faults' of others just shows she doesn't see why people were concerned.

She is so fucking over the top that even PETA - PETA! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! - can see that they win by responding to her calmly and rationally. Ugh. I hate everything about this.

That dog's name is Jill Hadassah.

For me it's less that Trig was potentially hurting the dog (who, like you said, seems fine). It's more that the appropriate response would have been to tell Trig, "oh honey, no, we don't step on animals," and let it be a learning moment. As it is, Palin doesn't seem to recognize that you have to teach kids how to

The dog did move. There is no way for the dog to get from the position in the first picture to the position in the last picture without standing up. The second picture posted shows the dog swinging her head around in what most likely is a warning signal. Had it been video I would have whale-eye, possibly teeth showing

Or you could just apologize. Something like- while it seemed cute at the time upon reflection Trig and Jill could have been hurt. Shouldn't have posted that. My bad.

The entire other side of my family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins) all voted McCain/Palin in whatever year she ran ('08? Really? She's been in the national news now for over 6 years?). Plus many friends/acquaintances. I actually ended a long time friendship when I found out a friend voted for McCain just

So disappointing. I fully believe I can only get along with my conservative family because they are not of the Tea Party ilk. I still think they are wrong, but I can have a reasonable discussion with them, they know not to believe Fox News, etc. My mother registered as an Independent (rather than Republican) ever

It's a Griftmas Miracle.

I'm so torn. On the one hand, Sarah Palin. On the other hand, "anti-beef screamers blogging hate" is probably not a terrible description of PETA. Also, I laughed at this

No one's gonna die unless natural causes! I'm planning on it being kind of a chocolates-on-the-pillow sort of deal. With lots of Matlock and Murder She Wrote reruns on the TV. And bingo and canasta.

RIGHT???? OMG I cannot even get started on all that.

Stop making me side with PETA, Sarah Palin. Ugh.

I'm beginning to wonder if she's a performance artist like Andy Kaufman. Her trolling skills are exceptional.

I see the wordsaladitis is still strong within her.