
Makes me feel lucky that my conservative family didn't drink her koolaid. They all view her as the start of the downfall of their party. Ugggghhhh.

which means he is going to do it over and over to get the attention

Same crime? I must have missed when Ellen had a daughter...

Not to mention that even if you do have a dog that would never bite, kids still have to learn how to properly interact with animals. Say they go to a friend's house, friend has a dog, but this dog isn't so tolerant about being stood on. Kid could get bit, and I wouldn't blame the dog.

My dogs name is Russia. Note the little nugget


Also those pictures are just not the same. Physics. Physsssicccssss.

I also got the joker! and I said I was looking for a soulmate. uncool. I will take one Loki instead pls and thx.

That reminds me, I should pick up a step stool today.

I think I picked the wrong cat :/ I got Green Goblin, blah

not the kid'a fault by any means, but why the hell didn't she grab the kid a step stool? You know, instead of taking pics? Like a reasonable person?

It's hugely annoying to me that disney (and musical theater) has become all about these ridiculously high belted notes. If super human vocalist Idina Menzel can't consistently hit them, there's a problem. If you listen to the songs in the Little Mermaid and Aladdin, you'll hear a lovely mix and head voice, not these

I'm not quite sure how but I got catwoman and it concerns me lol

Another Loki here. Yes!

I got Loki too! Yay for mischievous Asgardians!

OK. I guess I can give him a shot, and the cats and the Internet will still be here if he disappoints. ;)

Adele Dazeem can SANG. People need to give homegirl a break.

Nobody messes with Adela Dazeem!

She really should have blamed the performance on Adele Nazeem.

I believe you mean Adele Dazeem.
