
Literally a banana hammock. LITERALLY

Jason Biggs gives me an asshole vibe for some reason. Wai, asshole and vibe shouldn't be said in the same sentence ... anyway, Tara to Jason:

Ah, humans. So "evolved," yet still so focused on "not looking like everyone else."

Come play with meeeee!

This artist is just crazy talented. The Steve Carell one is incredible.

I just teared up. Probably over(boart), but I love seeing them together and that was a stellar performance.

There's something about when they shave. The concentration.

Meditation, batch.


LOL gud. I wz wrrd. 2 mch txtng.

In the end I figured that if women get to buy really awesome sex toys then there's really no shame in buying my own. And it really is a pretty awesome sex toy... You gents still using just your hand are missing out.

Don't let it see you cry from loneliness! They latch on to the lowly and cold. Every buzz is an insult to the purity that once was.

Worth much. I was created a sex unicorn that didn't exist. Nothing's ever quite as awesome as you imagine it!

See? Not just me. I think it's a true feat of engineering. And good for the people!

I'm just going to say it: If I were a man, I would use one of these. I'm kind of jealous I can't use one, really ...

I am so glad this was brought up because I am doing an experiment of my own. Please send pictures of your breasts to Trying to see if I can accumulate the biggest collection of breast selfies ever.

Who wore it better?!

Oil. And oil's byproducts can be used for ... you guessed it ... lube! It's all connected. The 6 Degrees Of Anal Sex.

Yep. Same here.