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    Seems like forever since we have seen Kim K. Here. Can we do that more? Not see her, I mean?

    Kravitz was absolutely sublime in The Hunger Games. It’s as though he was the only character in love with something good.

    Eew. Forgot about that :/

    Yep. The first, last and always “ism.”

    This is what happens when you sit before looking:/

    Is that just a “digital coincidence?” That seems a bit rule-breaky.

    What? We only get ONE?

    This is blatant Bear Voyeurism. Shocking!

    Sometimes I think we are all that little guy.......:(

    I wonder if Oprah is ever green with envy. I’ve heard her closet goes on for miiiiiles;)

    Oh, I am in full agreement, espcially when it comes to “appropriateness for the occasion.” Do you think that Trump makes those decisions for her? If this is making you uncomfortable, I won’t pursue it.


    Oh! Thank you. It is a custom here. But it is often abused horribly. Some people do what I did because they want to shut down a legitimate voice. But when you get a wall of text calling you out for things that you didn’t say or do.........well, that’s the time to employ it, I’m afraid. Also, I’m in the greys, so I

    Thank you for taking the “night shift” Rebecca. We all-night kinja Owls appreciate it.

    Lowlskdjisn. I don’t know why you are ranting at me. I didn’t mention any of the things you “put in my mouth.” Maybe you want to educate me. Fair enough. I love to learn, but what you said to me is really pretty vile. And please don’t call me a “privileged white bitch.” You don’t know me. I can guarantee you that I

    I read your comments on the (69 ?) rapper piece. Do you tend to work exclusively with children? I would like to see more of your experiences narrated here (well, if the “context” provides you with an opportunity anyway). I admit that I openly despise cops, but you sound very different. You sound VERY different.

    Agree, my theory exactly! It’s all Brad Pitt’s fault.

    The movie Seven (advertised as Se7en) kinda turned people’s heads, I remember.

    “Teodora’s tragic story is a sad illustration of everything that is wrong with the justice system in El Salvador,...”

    What an interesting observation. Tell me more about this wardrobe (?) victim territory. Seriously, that is the most intriguing phrase I have seen here in a long time. I’m all ears. Well..... “eyes”