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    Michelle’s dress is just impossibly gorgeous. She looks like a Snow Queen.

    Have you heard of the latest “crime” here on Jez? It’s called “lovebombing” - i.e., being nice to people:/

    Yeah, I can’t listen to her, but this piece seems a bit mean. There’s nothing that says we can’t just “get on” with our lives, even though it’s pretty GD hard for us norms.

    And the formal black attire is just so.........festive. Ugh.

    omg elves <3

    At first I thought they were made of wax:/

    A Dp matchup would be amazing. I hope he doesn’t join the Avengers - too many Superdudes in one movie:/

    This is whack. All of this is. “Widows Weeds.” “Suffragette White?”

    White women wearing black. WTF? This is a PROTEST? This is ‘Slimming’ business as usual. This is a disgrace.

    “Widows Weeds?” For real?: Just another excuse to wear a “slimming black.”No. These (mostly white) women should be wearing Solange white. Actually, I would go with a deep red, or if you mean it bitches wear white with red splashes: Your personal designer can do it. YOU can do it. This is freaking bogus.

    Ah! is there a dwarf named Mim?! Sadly, no. Mim is often short for Miriam, and if you look at my avatar you might recognize Miriam from The Hunger (and if you haven’t seen it, treat yourself:). To put it simply, she is a vampire. I’m not a vampire, but like one, I cannot go into the sunlight without being completely

    I, too quickly, assumed this was about musicians who were slowly hooked on opiates, etc. until they overdosed. My bad. Still, the click-baity headlines don’t really help

    I wish I could appreciate Peter Parker.

    So true. I would require a time machine (and some of those nasty “green drinks”;)

    *sigh* C’mon now. There is some serious (very serious) news out there to be shared. Yes, this is a problem, but not Trump level problematic at the moment. Do we really want to distract ourselves with Prince’s awful passing, or even MJ’s right now? Right now?

    Everyone here (well, ungreyed) has some serious troll fever. I don’t know WHAT is going on, but I have to confess that watching the holier-than-thou ungreyed losing their minds over someone named lori, lorni...I’m not sure, is - well - kinda funny.


    You’re a treasure, Mike :D

    Hoo girl, doesn’t it though! I had “balloon face” for a month. In fact I’m still wondering if I’ll see my cheekbones again!!

    Thank you. Maybe I should refrain from commenting here until I can catch up with all of the lore. But I think that i09 rocks!